This Generator delivers highly advanced workflows for Angular 1 & Ionic 1 with the latest Cordova. If you are looking for a version for Angular 2 & Ionic 2, we're working on one but progress is slow for various reasons. Meanwhile, we are still solidly committed to maintaining and rolling updates for the Angular 1 & Ionic 1 stack. Everybody looking to get involved in either topic is very welcome!
Advanced workflows for building rock-solid Ionic apps: develop, prototype, test, build and deliver high quality apps with Yeoman, Gulp, Bower, Angular, Cordova and of course Ionic. All in one sexy generator.
Latest releases
- Component subgenerator: see here.
- Yarn integration: see here.
- Test setup improvements #489.
- Livereload for the device! Wohoo! See how it's done.
- Integrations into Ionic Cloud, Relution & Greenhouse.
- and many more ...
Ionic Blog Series - Great ride through everything Generator-M-Ionic has to offer:
Advanced workflows for building rock-solid Ionic Apps
- Quick Start for the experienced developer.
- Try the demo. Get a quick impression by cloning the sample project generated with the latest version of Generator-M-Ionic.
- Installation and Prerequisites
- Questions the generator will ask and what they mean
- Development Introduction
- File structure
- Sub-generators for adding new components.
- Git integration, see how it's done.
- Sass integration in our module concept.
- Bower component usage in our module concept.
- Ionic style source, change it from CSS to Sass or vice versa.
- ESLint code style checks and setting up your IDE/Editor.
- Testing with our testing setup.
- Husky hooks, automatically run linting and tests before you commit.
- CORS & Proxying, how to cope with CORS issues.
- App Icons and splash screens, a simple setup or different sets for different builds - all is possible.
- Use Environments manage different API Endpoints and much more with just a single parameter.
- Gulp defaults, spare yourself some tedious typing on the command line.
- Build Vars, inject vars into your app at build time.
- Programmatically change the
, withgulp config
an essential part for a successful continuous integration setup. - Full-blown Continuous Integration Guide - putting it all together: environments, build vars and
gulp config
! - Greenhouse & Relution Integration Guide - build and distribute your apps using these powerful cloud services
- Greenhouse & Relution - build and distribute your apps using these powerful cloud services
- Ionic Cloud (beta) - a powerful suite of hybrid-focused mobile backend services and tools
We've published 3 blog articles on our company blog delivering deep insights into the why and how of the generator:
- September 2015: Generator-M-Ionic and the search for the holy grail
- rather technical comparison between the generator and similar tools as well as technical insights to the decisions and motivation behind the generator
- September 2015: Generator-M-Ionic: HTML5 mobile app development evolved
- provides insight to the technology choices and ecosystem and the benefits of using the generator
- March 2015: Generator-M: the state of HTML5 mobile app development at M-Way
- the origins of the generator development and company strategy
Do the following:
- check out our Issue Guidelines and issues to see if there already is a solution or answer.
- Get in touch with other developers and our core team.
- If all fails, make sure you have read the Issue Guidelines first and then open a new issue.
Start by reading our:
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