A Joyent API driver for Test Kitchen 1.0!
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'kitchen-joyent'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install kitchen-joyent
Provide, at a minimum, the required driver options in your .kitchen.yml
driver_plugin: joyent
joyent_username: <%= ENV['SDC_CLI_ACCOUNT'] %>
joyent_keyfile: <%= ENV['SDC_CLI_IDENTITY'] %>
joyent_keyname: <%= ENV['SDC_CLI_KEY_ID'] %>
joyent_url: <%= ENV['SDC_CLI_URL'] %>
require_chef_omnibus: latest (if you'll be using Chef)
Until we get SmartOS, OmniOS, and FreeBSD into Omnitruck, you'll need to override the Chef bootstrap script. chef_omnibus_url: http://path.to.an.script.sh
Under the general driver_config
# Specify Joyent API version
joyent_version: '~7.0'
# Allow self-signed certs.
joyent_ssl_verify_peer: false
Usually under platforms
# For additional nics
# NOTE: Requires Joyent API version >= 7.0
- d2ba0f30-bbe8-11e2-a9a2-6bc116856d85
- a3a84a44-766c-407e-9233-9a45ebcd579f
# Where to pull IP's from by default (internal/external)
- internal
Usually under `suites` section:
# Friendly machine name
# Valid Chracters =~ /0-9A-Za-z\.-/
joyent_image_name: default01
# Example .kitchen.yml
driver_plugin: joyent
joyent_username: <%= ENV['SDC_CLI_ACCOUNT'] %>
joyent_keyfile: <%= ENV['SDC_CLI_IDENTITY'] %>
joyent_keyname: <%= ENV['SDC_CLI_KEY_ID'] %>
joyent_url: <%= ENV['SDC_CLI_URL'] %>
require_chef_omnibus: true
sudo: false
- name: smartos-1330
joyent_image_id: 87b9f4ac-5385-11e3-a304-fb868b82fe10
joyent_flavor_id: g3-standard-4-smartos
- name: freebsd-9
joyent_image_id: df8d2ee6-d87f-11e2-b257-2f02c6f6ce80
joyent_flavor_id: g3-standard-4-kvm
- name: centos-6
joyent_image_id: 325dbc5e-2b90-11e3-8a3e-bfdcb1582a8d
joyent_flavor_id: g3-standard-4-kvm
- name: default
run_list: ["recipe[unix-tester]"]
attributes: {}
### List of Images
$ knife joyent image list
ID Name Version OS
f669428c-a939-11e2-a485-b790efc0f0c1 base 13.1.0 smartos smartmachine
e3364212-05c0-11e3-9576-3f3ee9e951a7 base 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
60ed3a3e-92c7-11e2-ba4a-9b6d5feaa0c4 base 1.9.1 smartos smartmachine
b83f8276-1fdd-11e3-989b-4bddb088a8a0 base 13.2.1 smartos smartmachine
84cb7edc-3f22-11e2-8a2a-3f2a7b148699 base 1.8.4 smartos smartmachine
753ceee6-5372-11e3-8f4e-f79c1154e596 base 13.3.0 smartos smartmachine
55330ab4-066f-11e2-bd0f-434f2462fada base 1.8.1 smartos smartmachine
60a3b1fa-0674-11e2-abf5-cb82934a8e24 base64 1.8.1 smartos smartmachine
87b9f4ac-5385-11e3-a304-fb868b82fe10 base64 13.3.0 smartos smartmachine
0084dad6-05c1-11e3-9476-8f8320925eea base64 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
fdea06b0-3f24-11e2-ac50-0b645575ce9d base64 1.8.4 smartos smartmachine
17c98640-1fdb-11e3-bf51-3708ce78e75a base64 13.2.1 smartos smartmachine
cf7e2f40-9276-11e2-af9a-0bad2233fb0b base64 1.9.1 smartos smartmachine
9eac5c0c-a941-11e2-a7dc-57a6b041988f base64 13.1.0 smartos smartmachine
bae3f528-e01f-11e2-b2cb-1360087a7d5f cassandra 13.1.0 smartos smartmachine
2539f6de-0b5a-11e2-b647-fb08c3503fb2 centos-5.7 1.3.0 linux virtualmachine
e4cd7b9e-4330-11e1-81cf-3bb50a972bda centos-6 1.0.1 linux virtualmachine
30e9e4c8-bbf2-11e2-ac3b-3b598ee13393 centos-6 2.4.2 linux virtualmachine
8700b668-0da4-11e2-bde4-17221283a2f4 centos-6 1.3.0 linux virtualmachine
325dbc5e-2b90-11e3-8a3e-bfdcb1582a8d centos-6 2.5.0 linux virtualmachine
87c556ac-ab9d-11e2-914d-07682fcab47d centos-6 2.4.1 linux virtualmachine
46ecf60e-52c8-11e2-b212-9b51fc749547 debian-6.0.6 2.3.1 linux virtualmachine
94384a12-bbeb-11e2-aec2-2bfa9742484b debian-6.0.7 2.4.2 linux virtualmachine
014e2254-a853-11e2-81c9-b318c31fa17a debian-6.0.7 2.4.1 linux virtualmachine
e6ac6784-44b3-11e1-8555-87c3dd87aafe debian-6.03 1.0.0 linux virtualmachine
e42f8c84-bbea-11e2-b920-078fab2aab1f fedora 2.4.2 linux virtualmachine
df8d2ee6-d87f-11e2-b257-2f02c6f6ce80 freebsd 1.0.0 bsd virtualmachine
274bc2bc-d919-11e2-b797-83245409fbeb hadoop 13.1.0 smartos smartmachine
48489174-e351-11e2-88c0-a31eb2b342ee java 13.1.0 smartos smartmachine
2c6b0348-d8f6-11e2-91f4-ef498b553611 manta-build 13.1.0 smartos smartmachine
d2409672-29f3-11e3-ba86-6f782523cb41 mongodb 13.2.1 smartos smartmachine
ec5defa8-16fe-11e3-948e-8f59b3488902 mongodb 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
f953e97e-4991-11e1-9ea4-27c6e7e8afda nodejs 1.3.3 smartos smartmachine
133263be-3c2c-11e3-8d3a-a30c43ae58fd nodejs 13.2.2 smartos smartmachine
1fc068b0-13b0-11e2-9f4e-2f3f6a96d9bc nodejs 1.4.0 smartos smartmachine
beb2dbd4-b26f-11e2-8ad4-935c80092aa6 nodejs 13.1.0 smartos smartmachine
ffed3d9e-2c2f-11e3-9a12-bf5267821b0b nodejs 13.2.1 smartos smartmachine
dc1a8b5e-043c-11e2-9d94-0f3fcb2b0c6d percona 1.6.0 smartos smartmachine
3882b5da-b0e8-11e2-b3a9-dbcf26c3e051 percona 13.1.0 smartos smartmachine
fb6e7820-60ee-11e3-93b6-7f34ea3f2616 percona 13.3.0 smartos smartmachine
1567edb0-b33e-11e2-a0d2-bf73e2825ffe riak 13.1.0 smartos smartmachine
01b2c898-945f-11e1-a523-af1afbe22822 smartos 1.6.3 smartos smartmachine
489754f2-5e01-11e1-8ff8-f770c2116b0d smartos 1.5.4 smartos smartmachine
f9e4be48-9466-11e1-bc41-9f993f5dff36 smartos64 1.6.3 smartos smartmachine
31bc4dbe-5e06-11e1-907c-5bed6b255fd1 smartos64 1.5.4 smartos smartmachine
56a0655c-3cc6-11e3-9c79-5701599fdf05 standard 13.2.3 smartos smartmachine
dac2ad6e-2aa5-11e3-885f-8fd408fc6a82 standard 13.2.1 smartos smartmachine
34509f68-1ae7-11e3-b816-d3edf71c7840 standard 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
3390ca7c-f2e7-11e1-8818-c36e0b12e58b standard 1.0.7 smartos smartmachine
399775e4-163e-11e3-8d42-7b14b732ae17 standard64 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
a0f8cf30-f2ea-11e1-8a51-5793736be67c standard64 1.0.7 smartos smartmachine
b779b49a-29e4-11e3-9b1d-0b0b41ccdcad standard64 13.2.1 smartos smartmachine
610e04c4-3cc4-11e3-9867-df64b21b66fe standard64 13.2.3 smartos smartmachine
3cd9ef64-1fa5-11e3-be45-1fa28ec74f4a stm-1000H 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
efe2c3e8-1fb8-11e3-b4c4-eb64d18f0b71 stm-1000M 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
6e99eff4-1fb9-11e3-9d00-3b6b25be1e62 stm-1000M-SAF 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
ef905526-1fb9-11e3-a095-576400e02b54 stm-2000L 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
6bf3c40e-1fba-11e3-9847-4f44ccd9abe9 stm-2000L-SAF 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
0bcda78c-2066-11e3-8f62-d7edf9742dbd stm-2000L-SAF-STX 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
36f3b80c-2066-11e3-9215-5ffe647b58f0 stm-2000L-STX 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
08c63ac6-2067-11e3-abea-a7c7c71e8f15 stm-2000M-SAF-STX 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
8b503466-2066-11e3-b5c8-c7e50b85619c stm-2000M-STX 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
e96103b6-1fba-11e3-8dba-3b2f9d336fa1 stm-4000L 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
67e5fc46-1fbb-11e3-b1c7-274da29ae2f6 stm-500L-10 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
e4093946-1fbb-11e3-8b61-bb9e496e0da4 stm-500M-200 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
4b4c141e-1fb4-11e3-a10e-6f99cfdf8806 stm-developer 13.2.0 smartos smartmachine
71101322-43a5-11e1-8f01-cf2a3031a7f4 ubuntu-10.04 1.0.1 linux virtualmachine
3162a91e-8b5d-11e2-a78f-9780813f9142 ubuntu-12.04 2.4.0 linux virtualmachine
da144ada-a558-11e2-8762-538b60994628 ubuntu-12.04 2.4.1 linux virtualmachine
64e1b2ee-52c8-11e2-bedd-7f919cc63ab9 ubuntu-12.04 2.3.1 linux virtualmachine
d2ba0f30-bbe8-11e2-a9a2-6bc116856d85 ubuntu-12.04 2.4.2a linux virtualmachine
13328c9a-9173-11e2-a9a5-2ff43d306c21 ws2008ent-r2-sp1 2.0.2 windows virtualmachine
5f101d16-90ac-11e2-b9c2-877979ff6041 ws2008std-r2-sp1 2.0.2 windows virtualmachine
95f6c9a6-a2bd-11e2-b753-dbf2651bf890 ws2012std 1.0.1 windows virtualmachine
### List of Flavors (Sizes)
$ knife joyent flavor list
Name RAM Disk Swap Price $/Hr
g3-standard-0.25-kvm 0.25 GB 16 GB 0 GB
g3-standard-0.25-smartos 0.25 GB 16 GB 0 GB
g3-standard-0.5-smartos 0.50 GB 16 GB 1 GB
Extra Small 512 MB 0.50 GB 15 GB 1 GB
g3-standard-0.5-kvm 0.50 GB 16 GB 1 GB
g3-standard-0.625-kvm 0.62 GB 20 GB 1 GB $0.020
g3-standard-0.625-smartos 0.62 GB 20 GB 1 GB $0.020
g3-standard-1-kvm 1.00 GB 33 GB 2 GB
g3-standard-1-smartos 1.00 GB 33 GB 2 GB
Small 1GB 1.00 GB 30 GB 2 GB
g3-standard-1.75-kvm 1.75 GB 56 GB 4 GB $0.056
g3-standard-1.75-smartos 1.75 GB 56 GB 4 GB $0.056
g3-highcpu-1.75-smartos 1.75 GB 75 GB 4 GB $0.127
g3-highcpu-1.75-kvm 1.75 GB 75 GB 4 GB $0.127
g3-standard-2-kvm 2.00 GB 66 GB 4 GB
g3-standard-2-smartos 2.00 GB 66 GB 4 GB
Medium 2GB 2.00 GB 60 GB 4 GB
g3-standard-3.75-kvm 3.75 GB 123 GB 8 GB $0.120
g3-standard-3.75-smartos 3.75 GB 123 GB 8 GB $0.120
g3-standard-4-kvm 4.00 GB 131 GB 8 GB
g3-highcpu-4-kvm 4.00 GB 150 GB 8 GB
g3-standard-4-smartos 4.00 GB 131 GB 8 GB
Medium 4GB 4.00 GB 120 GB 8 GB
g3-highcpu-4-smartos 4.00 GB 150 GB 8 GB
g3-highcpu-7-kvm 7.00 GB 263 GB 14 GB $0.508
g3-highcpu-7-smartos 7.00 GB 263 GB 14 GB $0.508
g3-standard-7.5-smartos 7.50 GB 738 GB 15 GB $0.240
g3-standard-7.5-kvm 7.50 GB 738 GB 15 GB $0.240
g3-highcpu-8-smartos 8.00 GB 300 GB 14 GB
g3-standard-8-kvm 8.00 GB 789 GB 16 GB
Large 8GB 8.00 GB 240 GB 16 GB
g3-standard-8-smartos 8.00 GB 789 GB 16 GB
g3-highcpu-8-kvm 8.00 GB 300 GB 14 GB
g3-standard-15-smartos 15.00 GB 1467 GB 30 GB $0.480
g3-standard-15-kvm 15.00 GB 1467 GB 30 GB $0.480
Large 16GB 16.00 GB 480 GB 32 GB
g3-highcpu-16-smartos 16.00 GB 600 GB 32 GB $1.160
g3-highmemory-17.125-smartos 17.12 GB 420 GB 34 GB $0.409
g3-highmemory-17.125-kvm 17.12 GB 420 GB 34 GB $0.409
g3-highcpu-24-smartos 24.00 GB 900 GB 48 GB $1.739
g3-standard-30-smartos 30.00 GB 1683 GB 60 GB $0.960
g3-standard-30-kvm 30.00 GB 1683 GB 60 GB $0.960
XL 32GB 32.00 GB 760 GB 64 GB
g3-standard-32-smartos 32.00 GB 1683 GB 64 GB
g3-highmemory-34.25-kvm 34.25 GB 843 GB 68 GB $0.817
g3-highmemory-34.25-smartos 34.25 GB 843 GB 68 GB $0.817
g3-standard-48-smartos 48.00 GB 1683 GB 96 GB $1.536
XXL 48GB 48.00 GB 1024 GB 96 GB
g3-standard-64-smartos 64.00 GB 2100 GB 128 GB $2.048
XXXL 64GB 64.00 GB 1536 GB 128 GB
g3-highmemory-68.375-smartos 68.38 GB 1122 GB 137 GB $1.630
g3-highmemory-68.375-kvm 68.38 GB 1122 GB 137 GB $1.630
g3-standard-80-smartos 80.00 GB 2625 GB 160 GB $2.560
## Contributing
1. Fork it
2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`)
3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Add some feature'`)
4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`)
5. Create new Pull Request