This repo contains the code for the paper Understanding How CodeLLMs (Mis)Predict Types with Activation Steering. Please cite as:
title={Understanding How CodeLLMs (Mis) Predict Types with Activation Steering},
author={Lucchetti, Francesca and Guha, Arjun},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2404.01903},
This repo requires tree-sitter, vllm and nnsight. We used separate environments for each (see requirements file) but for newer versions this is no longer necessary.
TypeScript is required for typechecking. To install TS:
// install nvm
curl -o- | bash
// run nvm bash script
source ~/.bashrc
// install node
nvm install node
// install ts-node
mkdir ~/.npm_packages
npm install --prefix ~/.npm_packages ts-node typescript '@types/node'
npx --cache ~/.npm_packages ts-node --typeCheck <prog.ts>
To build the package:
python -m build
export PYTHONPATH=/path/to/your/package:$PYTHONPATH
To add environment to jupyter kernel, in jupyer kernel.json
add env var, then restart vscode.
"env": {"PYTHONPATH": "/path/to/your/package:$PYTHONPATH"}`