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Repository files navigation

File Link

This module provides a field that extends the core Link module field by storing metadata about the target file like size and mime-type. The link URI must point to file not to a directory. The site builder can define a list of allowed target file extensions.


  • Link module (core).
  • File module (core).

Supporting organizations

Use Docker Compose


$ cp docker-compose.yml.dist docker-compose.yml
$ docker-compose exec -u www-data php ./vendor/bin/phpunit


$ docker-compose up -d


$ docker-compose exec php composer install
$ docker-compose exec php ./vendor/bin/run drupal:site-install

Your test site will be available at http://localhost:8080/build.

Run coding style checks:

$ docker-compose exec php ./vendor/bin/grumphp run

Run tests:

$ docker-compose exec php ./vendor/bin/phpunit

You can disable HTTP redirect following on field validation by setting the following in you settings.php:

$settings['file_link.follow_redirect_on_validate'] = FALSE;

To completely disable performing HTTP requests when validating or saving a field, set the following:

$settings['file_link.disable_http_requests'] = TRUE;

Setting above is recommended when running bulk content import operations.
