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Kotlin mixins support

Originally made for LavaHack


To build refmapper you need to have JDK 17 installed

  1. Download refmapper source code by clicking Code -> Download ZIP on the main page
  2. Extract the source code somewhere and open cmd (on Windows) or Terminal
  3. Execute gradlew build (if you're on Windows) or chmod +x ./gradlew && ./gradlew build (if you're on Linux) and wait until the building process finishes
  4. After that you should have a file called refmapper-VERSION.jar inside <refmapper src>/build/libs folder
  5. Use it anywhere you need


You can download stable prebuilt JARs from the releases page

Usage via CLI

To use CLI you need to have tiny mappings and named minecraft jar

Getting tiny mappings


To use yarn2tiny you need to have yarn mappings

  1. Figure out yarn mappings version you need
  2. Replace YARN_VERSION in link from next step to your yarn mappings version
  3. Download archive from
  4. Extract the archive somewhere
  5. Generate tiny mappings with yarn2tiny


To use srg2tiny you need to have srg/fields/methods mappings

  1. Figure out for what minecraft version you need mappings
  2. Download MCP for your version from here
  3. Extract conf folder from
  4. Use conf/joined.srg as srg mappings
  5. Use conf/fields.csv as fields mappings
  6. Use conf/methods.csv as methods mappings
  7. Generate tiny mappings with srg2tiny

Getting named minecraft jar


  1. Setup empty fabric mod project
  2. Execute gradlew getSources (if you're on Windows) or chmod +x ./gradlew && ./gradlew getSources (if you're on Linux) and wait until the process finishes
  3. Open each folder in <project src>/.gradle/loom-cache/minecraftMaven/ until you no longer see more folders
  4. Move XXX.jar file(not XXX-sources.jar) to somewhere


  1. Setup empty forge mod project
  2. Execute gradlew build (if you're on Windows) or chmod +x ./gradlew && ./gradlew build (if you're on Linux) and wait until the process finishes
  3. Go to <userfolder>/.gradle/caches/forge_gradle/minecraft_user_repo/net/minecraftforge/forge/X.XX.X-XX.XX.X.XXXX_mapped_stable_XX-X.XX/
  4. Move forge-X.XX.X-XX.XX.X.XXXX_mapped_stable_XX-X.XX.jar to somewhere

Making mod executable

  1. Execute java -jar refmapper-VERSION.jar "raw mod" "refmapped mod" "tiny mappings" "named minecraft jar"
  2. Move "refmapped mod" into .minecraft/mods folder
  3. Enjoy!

Usage via gradle

To use refmapper you need to have project of fabric/forge mod

  1. Make sure to check up if you have mixins written in kotlin or refmapper is useless
  2. Download refmapper-VERSION.jar and put it into <project src>
  3. Create <project src>/refmapper folder
  4. Get tiny mappings, rename it to tiny and put into <project src>/refmapper


  1. Put the following code into <project src>/build.gradle.kts
task<Exec>("refmapper") {
  1. Replace MOD_NAME to ${base.archivesName.get()}
  2. Replace MOD_VERSION to $version

if you're using build.gradle.kts from kotlin mod template

  1. Replace MINECRAFT_VERSION1 to ${project.extra["minecraft_version"] as String}
  2. Replace MINECRAFT_VERSION2 to ${(project.extra["minecraft_version"] as String).replace('.', '_')}
  3. Replace YARN_MAPPINGS to ${project.extra["yarn_mappings"] as String}
  4. Replace YARN_VERSION to v2

if you're using custom build.gradle.kts

  1. Replace MINECRAFT_VERSION1 to minecraft version in X.XX.X format
  2. Replace MINECRAFT_VERSION2 to minecraft version in X_XX_X format
  3. Replace YARN_MAPPINGS to yarn mappings for your minecraft version
  4. Replace YARN_VERSION to yarn mappings version format(v2 by default)


  1. Put the following code into <project src>/build.gradle
tasks.register('refmapper', Exec) {
  1. Replace MOD_NAME to ${archivesBaseName}
  2. Replace MOD_VERSION to $version
  3. Replace USER_FOLDER to path to your user folder(/home/USERNAME/C:/Users/USERNAME for example)

if you have following properties in

  1. Replace MINECRAFT_VERSION to $minecraftVersion
  2. Replace FORGE_VERSION to $forgeVersion
  3. Replace MAPPINGS_CHANNEL to $mappingsChannel
  4. Replace MAPPINGS_VERSION to $mappingsVersion


  1. Figure out minecraft/forge/mappings versions and mappings channel from minecraft { ... } of build.gradle

After each gradlew build execute gradlew refmapper

Built mod file is MOD_NAME-MOD_VERSION-refmap.jar

We are

Handling Inject/Redirect/ModifyArgs/Accessor/Invoker hooks of original mixins

Handling WrapWithCondition hook of MixinExtras

Handling HEAD/TAIL/RETURN/INVOKE/FIELD/JUMP injection points

Remapping mixins with ClassTypeSignature as target

Remapping shadow/overridden members

Remapping accesswinder instead of fabric loom(WIP)

Remapping lambdas

Known issues

Redirect/ModifyArgs hook may not work for methods whose descriptor is different from ()V

Remapped shadow field/method counters do not work correctly

Mixins with override methods are not currently supported(WIP)

Mixins from child packages are not currently supported

Special thanks to

cattyn/ferret for example of this readme


Kotlin mixins support






No packages published
