Transliterate English into the Shavian (Shaw) Alphabet
$ npm install --save to-shavian
const toShavian = require('to-shavian')
//-> "𐑣𐑩𐑤𐑴!"
This library first runs the English input through a part-of-speech tagger. It then looks up each word in a pre-compiled lexicon with over 250k entries. POS data is used to help disambiguate homographs, e.g. the plain verb “read” vs. the past participle “read”.
Due to the large bundled lexicon, this library is approximately 20 MB, but should GZIP down close to 3 MB.
The lexicon is transpiled from the Illinois Speech and Language Engineering group’s ISLEDict lexicon.
POS tagging is powered by wink’s wink-pos-tagger.