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Zifei Tong edited this page Mar 26, 2014 · 5 revisions

Failed looking up symbol

A failed looking up symbol error may result from a missing libc symbol.

You can use the script scripts/ to list the required libc functions for your project.

You can add the needed function to OSv yourself, or post your error message to the osv-dev mailing list.

Example of adding a missing function

[](libc: Add alphasort() function)

Make fail

  • Symptom: make fail with no clear output
  ANT tests/bench
make: *** [all] Error 1
  • How to diagnose: run verbose make
make V=1
  • Problem: JAVA_HOME was set to the wrong directory
  • Solution: set JAVA_HOME

OSv does not boot with networking

  • Symptom: OSV do not get to the shell, while starting with -n
./scripts/ -n -v
  • How to diagnose:
    • Adding -V to the arguments to start in verbose mode. This showed that OSv got stuck on sending DHCP requests.
    • Using tcpdump to capture the packets. "tcpdump -i tap0", where tap0 is the name of the interface on virbr0 (I found it using "brctl show virbr0"). This showed that the DHCP requests were going out properly.
    • Testing if "libvirtd" daemon is running ("ps aux | grep libvirtd"). In my case, it wasn't running because my system didn't have it installed. Hope this helps.
  • problem: libvirtd was not running
  • Followups:
    • Explicitly validate libvirtd is available, and return meaningful output in case it does not.
    • Return return meaningful output if DHCP fail #235
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