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progree on B+ tree
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wies committed Oct 23, 2024
1 parent 81e019a commit 6f64104
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Showing 3 changed files with 124 additions and 12 deletions.
31 changes: 20 additions & 11 deletions test/arrays/array_util.rav
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,17 @@ interface Array {
ensures forall a:T :: {length(a)} length(a) >= 0

field value: E

val default: E

pred arr(a: T; m: Map[Int, E]) {
(forall j: Int :: 0 <= j < length(a) ==> own(loc(a, j), value, m[j], 1.0))
&& (forall j: Int :: {m[j]} (0 > j || j >= length(a)) ==> m[j] == default)

proc alloc(len: Int, d: E) returns (a: T)
requires 0 <= len
ensures length(a) == len && arr(a, {| i: Int :: 0 <= i < len ? d : default |})

interface ArrayUtil[K: Library.OrderedType] {
Expand All @@ -23,12 +34,8 @@ interface ArrayUtil[K: Library.OrderedType] {
type E = K

//import A.value

pred arr(a: A, m: Map[Int, K]) {
forall j: Int :: 0 <= j < A.length(a) ==> own(A.loc(a, j), A.value, m[j], 1.0)

import A.arr

// project map segment m[i..j] to set of its elements
func set_of_map(m: Map[Int, K], i: Int, j: Int)
returns (res: Set[K])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,11 +257,11 @@ interface ArrayUtil[K: Library.OrderedType] {
invariant 0 <= dst <= dst + len <= A.length(a)
invariant -1 <= i < len
//ghost var m1 :=;
unfold arr(a, map_shift(amap, src + i + 1, dst + i + 1, len - i - 1));
var tmp: K := A.loc(a, src + i).A.value;
A.loc(a, dst + i).A.value := tmp;
//pure assert == m1[dst + i := tmp];
ghost var m : Map[Int, K] = map_shift(amap, src + i, dst + i, len - i);
assert m == map_shift(amap, src + i + 1, dst + i + 1, len - i - 1)[dst + i := tmp];
i := i - 1;
fold arr(a, map_shift(amap, src + i + 1, dst + i + 1, len - i - 1));
Expand All @@ -267,11 +274,11 @@ interface ArrayUtil[K: Library.OrderedType] {
invariant 0 <= dst <= dst + len <= A.length(a)
invariant 0 <= i <= len
//ghost var m1 :=;
unfold arr(a, map_shift(amap, src, dst, i));
var tmp: K := A.loc(a, src + i).A.value;
A.loc(a, dst + i).A.value := tmp;
//pure assert == m1[dst + i := tmp];
ghost var m : Map[Int, K] = map_shift(amap, src, dst, i + 1);
assert m == map_shift(amap, src, dst, i)[dst + i := tmp];
i := i + 1;
fold arr(a, map_shift(amap, src, dst, i));
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,12 +306,14 @@ interface ArrayUtil[K: Library.OrderedType] {
fold arr(a, amap);
unfold arr(b, map_copy(bmap, amap, src, dst, i));
A.loc(b, dst + i).A.value := tmp;
ghost var m: Map[Int, K] = map_copy(bmap, amap, src, dst, i + 1);
assert m == map_copy(bmap, amap, src, dst, i)[dst + i := tmp];
i := i + 1;
fold arr(b, map_copy(bmap, amap, src, dst, i));

pred sorted_array_with_content(a: A, len: Int, m: Map[Int, K])
pred sorted_array_with_content(a: A, len: Int; m: Map[Int, K])
0 <= len <= A.length(a) && arr(a, m) && sorted_map_seg(m, 0, len)
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103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions test/concurrent/templates/bplustree.rav
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
include "give-up.rav"
include "../../arrays/array_util.rav"

interface BPlusTree[O: Library.OrderedType] : NodeImpl {

module Spec : SearchStructureSpec {
type K = O
val keyspace: Set[K] = {| k: K :: true |}

import Spec._

module KOption = Library.Option[O]

import KOption.some
import KOption.none

import Flow_K._
import Multiset_K.elem

interface AU = ArrayUtil[O]

import AU._

interface AN : Array {
type E = Ref

// Width parameter of the B-tree
val b: Int

auto axiom bValid()
ensures b > 0

// Fields of a B-tree node
field len: Int
field rangeLb: KOption
field rangeUb: KOption
field keys: A.T
field ptrs: AN.T

func le(ko: KOption, k: K) returns (res : Bool)
ko == none ? true : O.le(ko.KOption.value, k)

func lt(k: K, ko: KOption) returns (res : Bool)
ko == none ? true :, ko.KOption.value)

func flow_int_of(n: Ref, lb: KOption, ub: KOption, kmap: Map[Int, K], cmap: Map[Int, Ref]) returns (flow_int: Flow_K)
{{| np: Ref :: np == n ? {| k: K :: le(lb, k) && lt(k, ub) ? 1 : 0 |} : |},
{| np: Ref :: /* TODO: fix this */ |},
{| n |})

pred node(n: Ref; c: Set[K], flow_int: Flow_K) {
exists l: Int, lb: KOption, ub: KOption, ks: A.T, chlds: AN.T, kmap: Map[Int, K], cmap: Map[Int, Ref] ::
0 <= l && l < 2*b
&& A.length(ks) == 2*b
&& AN.length(chlds) == 2*b
// Definition of flow interface
&& flow_int == flow_int_of(n, lb, ub, kmap, cmap)
// Definition of contents
&& c == (cmap[0] == null ? /* Leaf */ AU.set_of_map(kmap, 0, l) : {||})
// Keys are sorted
&& (forall i: Int, j: Int :: {kmap[i], kmap[j]} 0 <= i < j < l ==>[i], kmap[j]))
// Keys are within range
&& (l > 0 ==> le(lb, kmap[0]) && lt(kmap[l-1], ub))
// Consistency of cmap
&& (cmap[0] != null ==>
(forall i: Int :: {cmap[i]} 0 <= i <= l ==> n != cmap[i])
&& (forall i: Int, j: Int :: {cmap[i], cmap[j]} 0 <= i < j <= l ==> cmap[i] != cmap[j])
&& (forall i: Int :: {cmap[i]} 0 <= i <= l ==> cmap[i] != null))
// Heap resources
&& own(n, len, l, 1.0)
&& own(n, rangeLb, lb, 1.0)
&& own(n, rangeLb, ub, 1.0)
&& own(n, keys, ks, 1.0)
&& AU.sorted_array_with_content(ks, l, kmap)
&& own(n, ptrs, chlds, 1.0)
&& AN.arr(chlds, cmap)

/* Initialize a new root node */
proc createRoot() returns (r: Ref)
ensures node(r, {||},{| l: Ref :: l == r ? Multiset_K.fromSet(keyspace) : |}, zeroFlow, {| r |}))
var ka: A.T;
ka := A.alloc(2*b, A.default);
var pa: AN.T;
pa := AN.alloc(2*b, null);
r := new(len: 0, rangeLb: none, rangeUb: none, keys: ka, ptrs: pa);

fold node(r, {||},{| l: Ref :: l == r ? Multiset_K.fromSet(keyspace) : |}, zeroFlow, {| r |}));
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion test/concurrent/templates/give-up.rav
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Expand Up @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ interface SearchStructureSpec {

type Op = data { case searchOp ; case insertOp ; case deleteOp }

pred opSpec(op: Op, k: K, c_in: Set[K], c_out: Set[K], res: Bool) {
pred opSpec(op: Op, k: K, c_in: Set[K]; c_out: Set[K], res: Bool) {
op == searchOp() ?
c_in == c_out && res == (k in c_in) :
(op == insertOp() ?
Expand Down

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