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Feature Workflows Atom Test Plans

Neil Widmaier edited this page Oct 11, 2022 · 1 revision

Note: Document is a work in progress, and is in the process of being updated.


The workflows introduced in these pages will serve as a guide for testing the functions of the Atom renderer without strictly adhering to test cases. The goal of the workflows is to create a level utilizing as many different Atom features as possible in a manner similar to an end user. This will allow us to be certain that the core aspects of the Atom renderer are functional on their own and when tied in with other features.

Atom Workflows:

  • 1 - General - Atom Workflow Test Plan
  • 2 - Model - Atom Workflow Test Plan
  • 3 - Character - Atom Workflow Test Plan
  • 4 - Lighting - Atom Workflow Test Plan
  • 5 - Post Processing | Look Development (Camera Based) - Atom Workflow Test Plan
  • 6 - Environment | World Building - Atom Workflow Test Plan
  • 7 - Track View - Atom Workflow Test Plan

Universal Workflow Settings:

There are multiple ways an end user may begin utilizing the Atom renderer that fall outside of a specific workflow, such as using a different graphics API or different hardware. To ensure that we provide proper coverage for these different methods of testing, all of the workflows listed in this section can and should be tested utilizing a variety of different hardware and rendering specs.

Getting Started:

  1. Before beginning any workflow, determine which API you will be using.
    1. By default, windows will be running D3D12, but can also be run using Vulkan
      1. To enable Vulkan on Windows, create a shortcut of the application you're launching (Editor.exe / AtomSampleViewerStandalone.exe / MaterialEditor.exe)
      2. Open the properties of the application.
      3. Append the following to the "Target" field:
        1. -rhi=vulkan
      4. Launch the application
    2. Mac will run in Vulkan by default.
  2. Launch the Asset Processor and allow all assets to fully process.
  3. Launch the Editor.exe

Low Dynamic Range (LDR) vs High Dynamic Range (HDR):

Applicable Component: 

If you have an HDR monitor, please enable your machine to run O3DE with HDR.

To enable HDR in Windows (HDR Monitor Required):

  1. Close the editor (or other application).
  2. Go to your Windows Display Settings (System>Settings>Display)
  3. Under the Rearrange your displays, select the monitor you want to enable HDR
  4. Under the "Windows HD Color" section, enable the "Play HDR games and apps" toggle.
  5. Launch the editor again, and move the window the the HDR display.


Applicable Component: 

Some level of Anti-Aliasing is always enabled by default (Currently MSAA) - and as such the different effects of Anti-Aliasing can be subtle. It's recommended that you simply enable one of the methods below and work as normal in the editor to ensure there's no glaring issues.

  • MSAA (Multi Sample Anti-Aliasing)

    1. MSAA is enabled by default and currently cannot be disabled.
      1. Testing in Editor will test this method of anti-aliasing by default.
    2. There are two samples in AtomSampleViewer that can be used to test MSAA directly:
      1. RHI/MSAA:
        1. This sample is a simple triangle
      2. RPI/MSAA
        1. This sample allows you to test with different levels of Anti-Aliasing (0x-8x) as well as view its effect on different shapes.
  • SMAA (Subpixel Morphological Anti-Aliasing)

    1. SMAA is enabled by editing this configuration file:

    2. Gems\Atom\Feature\Common\Assets\Passes\SMAAConfiguration.azasset

    3. Adjust the Enable field to 1 to enable, 0 to disable

    4. Restart the editor after changing the value and saving - make sure that the file was compiled successfully by the AP.

    5. Once enabled, launch the editor and work as normal to ensure there are no visual anomalies.

  • TAA (Temporal Anti-Aliasing)

      • Note as of 21 Jun 2021 : TAA currently has several issues and is not recommended for in-editor use
    1. TAA is enabled by editing this configuration file:
      1. Gems\Atom\Feature\Common\Assets\Passes\PostProcessParent.pass
        1. "Name": "TaaPass",
        2. "TemplateName": "TaaTemplate",
        3. "Enabled": true,
      2. Restart the editor after changing this file - make sure that the .pass file was compiled successfully by the AP.
    2. Once enabled, launch the editor and work as normal to ensure there are no visual anomalies.