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OCS Archive Library

Build Coverage Status Codacy Badge

A base library for the Science Archive and Ingester library to support generalized input file types, generalized data stores, and shared configuration items. This library is configurable via environment variables, but more customization is possible by subclassing the DataFile class for a specific file type, or subclassing the FileStore class for a specific file storage scheme.


Optional prerequisites may be skipped for reduced functionality.

  • Python >= 3.8


This library is used with the OCS Science Archive and OCS Ingester library. It has built in support for .fits files, compressed .fits files, or custom files if the metadata is supplied separately. It is critical that the Header Mapping environment variables below are set up to map to the proper .fits header keys in your data product definition, so that the information can be automatically extracted and stored in the Science Archive. The FileStore environment variables also need to be set for whichever file storage system you are targetting (S3 preferred). The DataFile environment variables aid in the extracting and ingestion of header values from data. For more information on how to customize your OCS Science Archive, please review the data flow documentation.


It is highly recommended that you install and run your python code inside a dedicated python virtual environment.

Add the ocs_archive package to your python environment:

(venv) $ pip install ocs_archive


Environment Variables

Group Variable Description Default
FileStore FILESTORE_TYPE Type of filestorage to use. Options are dummy, local, or s3. dummy
FILESYSTEM_STORAGE_ROOT_DIR If using local file storage, this is the directory on the local filesystem to use as the root of the storage directories empty string
FILESYSTEM_STORAGE_BASE_URL If using local file storage, this is the base URL at which those files will be hosted from
Observation Portal OBSERVATION_PORTAL_BASE_URL Base URL for the Observation Portal empty string
OBSERVATION_PORTAL_API_TOKEN API Token used to authenticate with the Observation Portal empty string
AWS BUCKET If using s3 file storage; AWS S3 Bucket Name testbucket
AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID If using s3 file storage; AWS Access Key with write access to the S3 bucket empty string
AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY If using s3 file storage; AWS Secret Access Key empty string
AWS_DEFAULT_REGION If using s3 file storage; AWS S3 Default Region empty string
S3_ADDRESSING_STYLE If using s3 file storage; Sets the addressing_style for generated s3 paths. Can be one of virtual, path, or auto. virtual
S3_ENDPOINT_URL If using s3 file storage; Endpoint url for connecting to s3. This can be modified to connect to a local instance of s3. ""
S3_DAYS_TO_IA_STORAGE If using s3 file storage, this is the age in days after which data will be ingested directly to Infrequent Access (IA) storage vs normal storage. 60
DataFile FILETYPE_MAPPING_OVERRIDES A string literal representation of a python dictionary containing a mapping of file extensions to dotpaths to python Classes which subclass the DataFile class. This appends and overrides the default list in the FileFactory class. "{}"
HEADER_BLACKLIST Comma delimited string list of header values that should be removed from the data before storage in the archive. This can be overriden when instantiating a DataFile as well as via environment variable. HISTORY,COMMENT
REQUIRED_HEADERS Comma delimited string list of header values that must be present in the DataFile. This can be overriden when instantiating a DataFile as well as via environment variable
NULL_HEADER_VALUES Comma delimited string list of header values that should be turned into None or empty keys. This only applies to the FitsFile class. N/A,UNSPECIFIED,UNKNOWN
CALIBRATION_TYPES Comma delimited string list of configuration types which represent calibration images. This is used to automatically set calibration images public date to be the observation date if it is not present BIAS,DARK,SKYFLAT,EXPERIMENTAL
PUBLIC_PROPOSAL_TAGS A comma delimited string list of Observation Portal proposal tags to denote data from this proposal as public. If public, the public date will be set to the observation date. The ocs_archive will fall back to the list of PUBLIC_PROPOSALS if any of a proposal's tags are not found in this list. public
PRIVATE_PROPOSAL_TAGS A comma delimited string list of Observation Portal proposal tags to denote data from this proposal as private. If private, the public date will be set to 999 years in the future. The ocs_archive will fall back to the list of PRIVATE_PROPOSALS if any of a proposal's tags are not found in this list. private,internal
PUBLIC_PROPOSALS Comma delimited string list of proposal IDs which represent public proposals. This is used to set the public date of observations under those proposals to the observation date if it is not present. The matching is based on if each character group appears anywhere within the proposal ID EPO,calib,standard,pointing
PRIVATE_PROPOSALS A comma delimited string list of proposal IDs which represent private proposals. This is used to set the public date of the observations under those proposals to be 999 years in the future. The matching is based on if each character group appears anywhere within the proposal ID LCOEngineering
DAYS_UNTIL_PUBLIC The number of days until user data becomes public by default. This is added onto the observation date to get the public date if one is not specifed with the data 365
PRIVATE_FILE_TYPES A comma delimited string list of fragments of the file name which denote a private data file. If any of the fragments are found within the filename, the public date will be set 999 years in the future for this file -t00,-x00
Header Mapping OBSERVATION_DATE_KEY The key in which to find an iso formatted observation date within the header data DATE-OBS
OBSERVATION_DAY_KEY The key in which to find an iso formatted observation day within the header data DAY-OBS
OBSERVATION_END_TIME_KEY The key in which to find an iso formatted observation end date within the header data UTSTOP
REDUCTION_LEVEL_KEY The key in which to find a numeric reduction level within the header data. Raw is 0, while anything non-zero is some form of processing RLEVEL
EXPOSURE_TIME_KEY The key in which to find the exposure time in fractional seconds in the header data EXPTIME
INSTRUMENT_ID_KEY The key in which to find the instrument ID in the header data INSTRUME
SITE_ID_KEY The key in which to find the site ID in the header data SITEID
TELESCOPE_ID_KEY The key in which to find the telescope ID in the header data TELID
OBSERVATION_ID_KEY The key in which to find the observation ID in the header data BLKUID
CONFIGURATION_ID_KEY The key in which to find the configuration ID in the header data MOLUID
PRIMARY_OPTICAL_ELEMENT_KEY The key in which to find the primary filter value in the header data FILTER
TARGET_NAME_KEY The key in which to find the target object's name in the header data OBJECT
REQUEST_ID_KEY The key in which to find the request ID in the header data REQNUM
REQUESTGROUP_ID_KEY The key in which to find the request group ID in the header data TRACKNUM
CONFIGURATION_TYPE_KEY The key in which to find the configuration type in the header data OBSTYPE
PROPOSAL_ID_KEY The key in which to find the proposal ID in the header data PROPID
CATALOG_TARGET_FRAME_KEY The key in which to find the base filename of the catalog file for the target of this observation in the header data L1IDCAT
PUBLIC_DATE_KEY The key in which to find the iso formatted date in which this data should become available to the public in the header data L1PUBDAT
RELATED_FRAME_KEYS A comma delimited list of keys in the header data to look for related frame base filenames for this observation L1IDBIAS,L1IDDARK,L1IDFLAT,L1IDSHUT,L1IDMASK,L1IDFRNG,L1IDCAT,L1IDARC,L1ID1D,L1ID2D,L1IDSUM,TARFILE,ORIGNAME,ARCFILE,FLATFILE,GUIDETAR
THUMBNAIL_FRAME_BASENAME_KEY The key used to store the original frame (e.g. FITS image) basename for the associated thumbnail frame_basename
THUMBNAIL_SIZE_KEY The key used to store the string description of the thumbnail size (e.g. small, medium, large) size
RADIUS_KEY The key in which to find FOV radius for a circular FOV, used to calculate WCS polygon if specified. Unit of arcseconds RADIUS
RA_KEY The key in which to find FOV center RA for a circular FOV, used to calculate WCS polygon if specified. Unit of hour angle RA
DEC_KEY The key in which to find FOV center DEC for a circular FOV, used to calculate WCS polygon if specified. Unit of decimal degrees DEC

Input File Format Configuration

The library is designed to be configured mostly through environment variables, but custom DataFile subclasses can be included and specified via an environment variable in order to support new and more complicated data formats. All data files must contain the minimum set of metadata in order to ingested into the archive. This metadata is used to provide filtering and querying support within the archive. The pieces of file metadata that should be specified have their mappings defined in the Header Data section of the environment variables below. The FitsFile class provided will work for normal or funpacked fits files, provided you set up the Header Data environment variables with the correct mapping of observation concepts to header keys in your data format.

File Storage Format Configuration

The library supports three types of file storage by default, that can be selected via environment variable. The dummy type is just used for testing and development and doesn't actually store any file. The local storage just saves the files into a locally mounted directory. It requires you to run a separate file server on that directory so it knows how to direct links to download the files. This can be accomplished as simply as running python -m http.server --directory=/my/root/dir. It could alternatively be served using any other file server, like node's http-server. The third option is s3, and expects to connect to Amazon's S3 or something with that same interface like minio. S3 file storage requires BUCKET, AWS_*, and S3_* environment variables to be set. More storage types can be added via forking the library and subclassing the FileStore class. S3 storage is the preferred method for a production and public-facing archive, since it is the only option to support versioning and secure data access by generating presigned data URLs.



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python3 -m pip install --user pipx
python3 -m pipx ensurepath
pipx install poetry


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poetry install

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