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Nginx Controller Ingress Setup

Olaf Szmidt edited this page Feb 20, 2018 · 7 revisions

NGINX Controller Ingress Setup

Note: This should only be done once only. The only time when a new setup might be required is when you reset the cluster to a fresh state or delete the relevant pods, services & deployments.

In order to deploy our ingress correctly with a specific nginx controller used in google cloud platform, we need to create several services. All of these up to date instructions can be found here.

For the sake of correct version control, we have saved the yaml files at the time of setup in the repository ocadotechnology/codeforlife-deploy-appengine at the path ./clusters_setup/ingress_nginx.

To set up from scratch do the following:

  • Install gcloud locally. This is usually done by the following command: pip install google-cloud. At the time of writing the version is 0.32.0 and Google Cloud SDK of 189.0.0.
  • Authenticate accordingly. You can read up on this here. Usually the following should work: gcloud auth login. This will open a web browser and will ask you to authenticate and give permissions to the google account. You should then (or only) run gcloud auth application-default login which will create the kubeconfig required for kubectl to work.
  • Get credentials to the appropriate cluster you want to work on by doing the following command: gcloud container clusters get-credentials [dev/staging/default]
  • kubectl apply -f should now be used on the following files (see path above to find these files):
    • namespace.yaml, default-backend-service.yaml, default-backend-deployment.yaml, configmap.yaml, tcp-services-configmap.yaml, udp-services-configmap.yaml.
  • Now install no RBAC roles by doing the same on without-rbac.yaml.
  • And finally GCE specific settings and patches:
    • Run kubectl patch deployment -n ingress-nginx nginx-ingress-controller --type='json' --patch="$(curl".
    • kubectl apply -f on service.yaml and patch-service-without-rbac.yaml

Reserving a static external IP address for a cluster

The load balancer IP needs to be static in order to be resolved to a single DNS address. The whole setup process won't have to be done again but for reference:

  • Go to **VPC Networks -> External IP addresses ** in the Google Cloud Platform UI and reserve a static IP address with the name [env]-aimmo-ingress
  • In your appengine project, open the ingress.yaml file and make sure that the following complies:
    • In metadata:annotations [env]-aimmo-ingress is set.
    • Ensure the spec:host entry is made for this domain in the ingress. For example - host:
  • Make a ANAME record in the DNS server to attatch it to that IP address that was reserved. Make sure this domain is [env]

Securing the cluster with SSL.

When settings the above DNS, you should generate/obtain appropriate CA, cert and key files. To now secure your domain you should:

  • In file ingress.yaml on the appengine project, the section spec:rules should contain:
  - hosts:
    - [env]
    secretName: ssl-cert-secret
  • In your terminal, go to the directory that contains the above mentioned files and use the following to generate the secret: kubectl create secret tls foo-secret --key /tmp/tls.key --cert /tmp/tls.crt. This will require correct authentication which is described above.
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