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Compiler: remove last argument of Pushtrap
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hhugo committed Mar 1, 2024
1 parent 123504b commit c812700
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Showing 16 changed files with 72 additions and 96 deletions.
52 changes: 38 additions & 14 deletions compiler/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -360,7 +360,7 @@ type last =
| Branch of cont
| Cond of Var.t * cont * cont
| Switch of Var.t * cont array
| Pushtrap of cont * Var.t * cont * Addr.Set.t
| Pushtrap of cont * Var.t * cont
| Poptrap of cont

type block =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -514,17 +514,8 @@ module Print = struct
Format.fprintf f "switch %a {" Var.print x;
Array.iteri a1 ~f:(fun i c -> Format.fprintf f "int %d -> %a; " i cont c);
Format.fprintf f "}"
| Pushtrap (cont1, x, cont2, pcs) ->
"pushtrap %a handler %a => %a continuation %s"
(String.concat ~sep:", " ( (Addr.Set.elements pcs) ~f:string_of_int))
| Pushtrap (cont1, x, cont2) ->
Format.fprintf f "pushtrap %a handler %a => %a" cont cont1 Var.print x cont cont2
| Poptrap c -> Format.fprintf f "poptrap %a" cont c

type xinstr =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -600,7 +591,7 @@ let fold_children blocks pc f accu =
match fst block.branch with
| Return _ | Raise _ | Stop -> accu
| Branch (pc', _) | Poptrap (pc', _) -> f pc' accu
| Pushtrap ((pc', _), _, (pc_h, _), _) ->
| Pushtrap ((pc', _), _, (pc_h, _)) ->
let accu = f pc' accu in
let accu = f pc_h accu in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -635,6 +626,39 @@ let rec traverse' { fold } f pc visited blocks acc =

let traverse fold f pc blocks acc = snd (traverse' fold f pc Addr.Set.empty blocks acc)

let poptraps blocks pc =
let rec loop blocks pc visited depth acc =
if Addr.Set.mem pc visited
then acc, visited
let visited = Addr.Set.add pc visited in
let block = Addr.Map.find pc blocks in
match fst block.branch with
| Return _ | Raise _ | Stop -> acc, visited
| Branch (pc', _) -> loop blocks pc' visited depth acc
| Poptrap (pc', _) ->
if depth = 0
then Addr.Set.add pc' acc, visited
else loop blocks pc' visited (depth - 1) acc
| Pushtrap ((pc', _), _, (pc_h, _)) ->
let acc, visited = loop blocks pc' visited (depth + 1) acc in
let acc, visited = loop blocks pc_h visited depth acc in
acc, visited
| Cond (_, (pc1, _), (pc2, _)) ->
let acc, visited = loop blocks pc1 visited depth acc in
let acc, visited = loop blocks pc2 visited depth acc in
acc, visited
| Switch (_, a) ->
let acc, visited =
~init:(acc, visited)
~f:(fun (pc, _) (acc, visited) -> loop blocks pc visited depth acc)
acc, visited
loop blocks pc Addr.Set.empty 0 Addr.Set.empty |> fst

let rec preorder_traverse' { fold } f pc visited blocks acc =
if not (Addr.Set.mem pc visited)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -737,7 +761,7 @@ let invariant { blocks; start; _ } =
check_cont cont1;
check_cont cont2
| Switch (_x, a1) -> Array.iteri a1 ~f:(fun _ cont -> check_cont cont)
| Pushtrap (cont1, _x, cont2, _pcs) ->
| Pushtrap (cont1, _x, cont2) ->
check_cont cont1;
check_cont cont2
| Poptrap cont -> check_cont cont
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4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion compiler/lib/code.mli
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ type last =
| Branch of cont
| Cond of Var.t * cont * cont
| Switch of Var.t * cont array
| Pushtrap of cont * Var.t * cont * Addr.Set.t
| Pushtrap of cont * Var.t * cont
| Poptrap of cont

type block =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -267,6 +267,8 @@ val fold_closures_innermost_first :

val fold_children : 'c fold_blocs

val poptraps : block Addr.Map.t -> Addr.t -> Addr.Set.t

val traverse :
fold_blocs_poly -> (Addr.t -> 'c -> 'c) -> Addr.t -> block Addr.Map.t -> 'c -> 'c

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12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ and mark_reachable st pc =
| Switch (x, a1) ->
mark_var st x;
Array.iter a1 ~f:(fun cont -> mark_cont_reachable st cont)
| Pushtrap (cont1, _, cont2, _) ->
| Pushtrap (cont1, _, cont2) ->
mark_cont_reachable st cont1;
mark_cont_reachable st cont2)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -152,12 +152,8 @@ let filter_live_last blocks st (l, loc) =
Cond (x, filter_cont blocks st cont1, filter_cont blocks st cont2)
| Switch (x, a1) ->
Switch (x, a1 ~f:(fun cont -> filter_cont blocks st cont))
| Pushtrap (cont1, x, cont2, pcs) ->
( filter_cont blocks st cont1
, x
, filter_cont blocks st cont2
, Addr.Set.inter pcs st.reachable_blocks )
| Pushtrap (cont1, x, cont2) ->
Pushtrap (filter_cont blocks st cont1, x, filter_cont blocks st cont2)
| Poptrap cont -> Poptrap (filter_cont blocks st cont)
l, loc
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -213,7 +209,7 @@ let f ({ blocks; _ } as p : Code.program) =
add_cont_dep blocks defs cont1;
add_cont_dep blocks defs cont2
| Switch (_, a1) -> Array.iter a1 ~f:(fun cont -> add_cont_dep blocks defs cont)
| Pushtrap (cont, _, cont_h, _) ->
| Pushtrap (cont, _, cont_h) ->
add_cont_dep blocks defs cont_h;
add_cont_dep blocks defs cont
| Poptrap cont -> add_cont_dep blocks defs cont)
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9 changes: 4 additions & 5 deletions compiler/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ let compute_needed_transformations ~cfg ~idom ~cps_needed ~blocks ~start =
List.iter ~f:mark_needed englobing_exn_handlers;
mark_continuation dst x
| _ -> ())
| Pushtrap (_, x, (handler_pc, _), _) -> mark_continuation handler_pc x
| Pushtrap (_, x, (handler_pc, _)) -> mark_continuation handler_pc x
| Poptrap _ | Raise _ -> (
match englobing_exn_handlers with
| handler_pc :: _ -> Hashtbl.add matching_exn_handler pc handler_pc
Expand All @@ -203,7 +203,7 @@ let compute_needed_transformations ~cfg ~idom ~cps_needed ~blocks ~start =
(fun pc visited ->
let englobing_exn_handlers =
match block.branch with
| Pushtrap (_, _, (handler_pc, _), _), _ when pc <> handler_pc ->
| Pushtrap (_, _, (handler_pc, _)), _ when pc <> handler_pc ->
handler_pc :: englobing_exn_handlers
| Poptrap _, _ -> englobing_exn_handlers
| _ -> englobing_exn_handlers
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -423,7 +423,7 @@ let cps_last ~st ~alloc_jump_closures pc ((last, last_loc) : last * loc) ~k :
to create a single block per continuation *)
let cps_jump_cont = Fun.memoize (fun x -> cps_jump_cont ~st ~src:pc x last_loc) in
alloc_jump_closures, (Switch (x, c1 ~f:cps_jump_cont), last_loc)
| Pushtrap (body_cont, exn, ((handler_pc, _) as handler_cont), _) -> (
| Pushtrap (body_cont, exn, ((handler_pc, _) as handler_cont)) -> (
assert (Hashtbl.mem st.is_continuation handler_pc);
match Addr.Set.mem handler_pc st.blocks_to_transform with
| false -> alloc_jump_closures, (last, last_loc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -910,8 +910,7 @@ let remove_empty_blocks ~live_vars (p : Code.program) : Code.program =
| Branch cont -> Branch (resolve cont)
| Cond (x, cont1, cont2) -> Cond (x, resolve cont1, resolve cont2)
| Switch (x, a1) -> Switch (x, ~f:resolve a1)
| Pushtrap (cont1, x, cont2, s) ->
Pushtrap (resolve cont1, x, resolve cont2, s)
| Pushtrap (cont1, x, cont2) -> Pushtrap (resolve cont1, x, resolve cont2)
| Poptrap cont -> Poptrap (resolve cont)
| Return _ | Raise _ | Stop -> branch
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7 changes: 2 additions & 5 deletions compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -407,8 +407,7 @@ let drop_exception_handler blocks =
(fun pc _ blocks ->
match Addr.Map.find pc blocks with
| { branch = Pushtrap (((addr, _) as cont1), _x, _cont2, addrset), loc; _ } as b
-> (
| { branch = Pushtrap (((addr, _) as cont1), _x, _cont2), loc; _ } as b -> (
let visited = do_not_raise addr Addr.Set.empty blocks in
let b = { b with branch = Branch cont1, loc } in
Expand All @@ -419,9 +418,7 @@ let drop_exception_handler blocks =
let b = Addr.Map.find pc2 blocks in
let branch =
match b.branch with
| Poptrap ((addr, _) as cont), loc ->
assert (Addr.Set.mem addr addrset);
Branch cont, loc
| Poptrap cont, loc -> Branch cont, loc
| x -> x
let b = { b with branch } in
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/lib/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ let program_deps { blocks; _ } =
cont_deps blocks vars deps defs cont2
| Switch (_, a1) ->
Array.iter a1 ~f:(fun cont -> cont_deps blocks vars deps defs cont)
| Pushtrap (cont, x, cont_h, _) ->
| Pushtrap (cont, x, cont_h) ->
add_param_def vars defs x;
cont_deps blocks vars deps defs cont_h;
cont_deps blocks vars deps defs cont)
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ let iter_last_free_var f l =
| Switch (x, a1) ->
f x;
Array.iter a1 ~f:(fun c -> iter_cont_free_vars f c)
| Pushtrap (cont1, _, cont2, _) ->
| Pushtrap (cont1, _, cont2) ->
iter_cont_free_vars f cont1;
iter_cont_free_vars f cont2

Expand All @@ -84,7 +84,7 @@ let iter_instr_bound_vars f i =
let iter_last_bound_vars f l =
match l with
| Return _ | Raise _ | Stop | Branch _ | Cond _ | Switch _ | Poptrap _ -> ()
| Pushtrap (_, x, _, _) -> f x
| Pushtrap (_, x, _) -> f x

let iter_block_bound_vars f block =
List.iter ~f block.params;
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -1704,7 +1704,7 @@ and compile_conditional st queue ~fall_through last scope_stack : _ * _ =
true, flush_all queue [ J.Return_statement e_opt, loc ]
| Branch cont -> compile_branch st queue cont scope_stack ~fall_through
| Pushtrap (c1, x, e1, _) ->
| Pushtrap (c1, x, e1) ->
let never_body, body = compile_branch st [] c1 scope_stack ~fall_through in
if debug () then Format.eprintf "@,}@]@,@[<hv 2>catch {@;";
let never_handler, handler = compile_branch st [] e1 scope_stack ~fall_through in
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ let usages prog (global_info : : usage_kind Var.Map.t Var.Tbl.
add_cont_deps cont1;
add_cont_deps cont2
| Switch (_, a) -> Array.iter ~f:add_cont_deps a
| Pushtrap (cont, _, cont_h, _) ->
| Pushtrap (cont, _, cont_h) ->
add_cont_deps cont;
add_cont_deps cont_h
| Poptrap cont -> add_cont_deps cont)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,7 +380,7 @@ let zero prog sentinal live_table =
| Branch _, _
| Cond (_, _, _), _
| Switch (_, _), _
| Pushtrap (_, _, _, _), _
| Pushtrap (_, _, _), _
| Poptrap _, _ -> block.branch
{ block with body; branch }
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -275,7 +275,7 @@ let program_deps st { blocks; _ } =
| Expr _ | Phi _ -> ())
| Pushtrap (cont, x, cont_h, _) ->
| Pushtrap (cont, x, cont_h) ->
add_var st x;
st.defs.(Var.idx x) <- Phi { known = Var.Set.empty; others = true };
cont_deps blocks st cont_h;
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion compiler/lib/
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Expand Up @@ -107,7 +107,8 @@ let fold_children blocks pc f accu =
match fst block.branch with
| Return _ | Raise _ | Stop -> accu
| Branch (pc', _) | Poptrap (pc', _) -> f pc' accu
| Pushtrap (_, _, (pc1, _), pcs) -> f pc1 (Addr.Set.fold f pcs accu)
| Pushtrap ((try_body, _), _, (pc1, _)) ->
f pc1 (Addr.Set.fold f (Code.poptraps blocks try_body) accu)
| Cond (_, (pc1, _), (pc2, _)) ->
let accu = f pc1 accu in
let accu = f pc2 accu in
Expand Down

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