The starter samples you will find here are to help you navigate and understand our APIs with more flexibility. We encourage you to look into them, test them out and inspire yourself on how the APIs can be used in your own project.
The Oculus License applies to the samples.
This project was built using the Unity engine.
Clone this repo using the "Code" button above, or this command:
git clone
- Make sure you're using Unity 2021.3.26f1 or newer.
- In the Project window, navigate to Assets/StarterSamples/Usage.
- Click on individual scenes.
- Click Play button to explore scene functionality in Unity.
- Navigate to Meta > Samples > Build Starter Scene to build an APK that will launch the Starter Scene. * In this apk you will be able to cycle through the different sample scenes to test them out on device.
- Navigate to the
folder and copy theStartScene.apk
to your device using Meta Quest Developer Hub.
All Meta SDKs can be found in the Unity Asset Store. This project depends on SDKs defined in the Packages/manifest.json:
Make sure your project uses the same SDK version
Move the samples to your project
Copy Samples directory
- Copy Assets/StarterSamples directory to your own project
Create UnityPackage and Import it
- Open Unity-StarterSamples project in Unity
- Right-click on Assets/StarterSamples and select Export Package...
- Save package in an easy location to retrieve
- Open your own project (where you want the samples to be added)
- Click on Assets->Import Package->Custom Package... from the menu bar
- Find the package we saved in step 3 and click Open