Welcome to the OpenDataHub Notebooks repository! This repository provides a collection of notebooks tailored for data analysis, machine learning, research and coding within the OpenDataHub ecosystem. Designed to streamline data science workflows, these notebooks offer an integrated environment equipped with the latest tools and libraries. These notebooks were created to be used with OpenDataHub ecosystem with the ODH Notebook Controller as the launcher.
These workbenches are available at: quay.io/opendatahub/workbench-images
For a deeper understanding of the architecture underlying this repository, please explore our wiki page Wiki
Make sure the following tools are installed in your environment:
- podman/docker
- python
- pipenv
- make
- curl
Clone this repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/opendatahub-io/notebooks.git
cd notebooks
To build a workbench image, you can execute the following command:
make ${WORKBENCH_NAME} -e IMAGE_REGISTRY=quay.io/${YOUR_USER}/workbench-images -e RELEASE=2023x
variables you can overwrite the default values and use a different registry or release tag
The notebook can be run as container on the local systems.
Use podman/docker to execute the workbench images as container.
podman run -it -p 8888:8888 quay.io/opendatahub/workbench-images:jupyter-minimal-ubi9-python-3.9-2024a-20240317-6f4c36b
pip install poetry
poetry env use /usr/bin/python3.12
poetry config virtualenvs.in-project true
poetry install --sync
poetry run pytest
Deploy the notebook images in your Kubernetes environment using:
deploy8-${NOTEBOOK_NAME} for ubi8 or deploy9-${NOTEBOOK_NAME} for ubi9
make deployX-${NOTEBOOK_NAME}
Run the test suite against this notebook:
make test-${NOTEBOOK_NAME}
variable to use a different repository and branch for testing scripts. This is useful when you debug your changes.
make test-${NOTEBOOK_NAME} -e NOTEBOOK_REPO_BRANCH_BASE="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/${YOUR_USER}/notebooks/${YOUR_BRANCH}"
Clean up the environment when the tests are finished:
make undeployX-${NOTEBOOK_NAME}
The runtimes image requires to have curl and python installed, so that on runtime additional packages can be installed.
Deploy the runtime images in your Kubernetes environment using: deploy8-${WORKBENCH_NAME} for ubi8 or deploy9-${WORKBENCH_NAME} for ubi9
make deployX-${WORKBENCH_NAME}
Run the validate test suit for checking compatabilty of runtime images:
make validate-runtime-image image=<runtime-image>
Clean up the environment when the tests are finished:
make undeployX-${WORKBENCH_NAME}
Whether you're fixing bugs, adding new notebooks, or improving documentation, your contributions are welcome. Please refer to our Contribution Guidlines.
A huge thank you to all our contributors and the broader OpenDataHub community!
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.
Anything unclear or inaccurate? Please let us know by reporting an issue: notebooks/issues