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STM32 UART Library

This is a custom UART communication library for STM32F4 microcontrollers, designed to handle basic UART transmission and reception using the USART2 peripheral on pins PA2 (TX) and PA3 (RX).


  • UART Initialization: Set up and configure the UART peripheral with a user-defined baud rate.
  • UART Transmit: Send individual characters or strings over UART.
  • UART Receive: Receive individual characters or strings over UART.
  • Dynamic Memory Allocation: Dynamically allocate memory for received strings.


  • STM32F4xx microcontroller
  • STM32CubeIDE or any ARM GCC compiler toolchain
  • ARM CMSIS and STM32 HAL libraries

Pin Configuration

This library uses USART2 with the following pin mappings:

  • PA2 (Alternate Function 7): UART2 TX (Transmit)
  • PA3 (Alternate Function 7): UART2 RX (Receive)


1. Clone the Repository

git clone

2. Include the Files

Include the my_UART.c and my_UART.h files in your STM32 project.

3. Initialize UART

Before using UART, make sure to initialize it in your main.c file:

int main(void) {
// System initialization code here

UART_Init();  // Initialize the UART

    while (1) {
        // Your application code here

4. Sending Data

You can send characters or strings over UART with the following functions:

uart_send_char('A');           // Send a single character
uart_send_string("Hello!\n");   // Send a string

5. Receiving Data

You can receive characters or strings over UART with dynamic memory allocation:

char *received_string = uart_receive_dynamic_string();   // Receive a string dynamically
uart_send_string(received_string);  // Send the received string back
free(received_string);  // Free the dynamically allocated memory

6. Customizing the Baud Rate

You can set the baud rate of UART by modifying the UART_BAUDRATE define in my_UART.c:

#define UART_BAUDRATE 9600  // Default baud rate is 9600


In the main loop, the library can send and receive data like this:

int main(void) {
    UART_Init();  // Initialize UART
    while (1) {
        char *received_data = uart_receive_dynamic_string();  // Receive data dynamically
        uart_send_string("Received: ");
        uart_send_string(received_data);  // Echo the received string back
        free(received_data);  // Free the memory allocated for the received string

Function Descriptions

  • UART_Init(): Initializes UART with the configured baud rate, word length, and enables the UART peripheral.
  • uart_send_char(char c): Sends a single character via UART.
  • uart_send_string(char *str): Sends a null-terminated string via UART.
  • uart_receive_char(): Receives a single character from UART.
  • uart_receive_dynamic_string(): Receives a string of unknown length dynamically (allocates memory for it).


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


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