UnityPacker is a collection of a library and small command line tools that can create, unpack and inspect UnityPackage
files without a Unity installation. It is great for automated builds of Unity tools.
Tested on Unity 2018.3 and 2019.1.0f2
This repository was initially forked from FatihBAKIR/UnityPacker and then heavily refactored.
./UnityPacker mode pack folder "." package "Samples" root "Assets/Plugins/Product/Samples" ignore "(Plugins\\.*|unitypackage|exe|exe|cmd)$"
This example will produce a Samples.unitypackage
from the contents current directory recursively in the current directory.
It can omit files or directories from regex more using the
Meta files are kept or generated if missing.
./UnityPacker mode unpack package "Samples.unitypackage" destination "."
This example will unpack the Samples.unitypackage
to the working directory, with proper directory structure.