测试在 mysql 的连接串中插入自义定的 cluster id
-D 12345.test | cluster-id=12345, db=test |
-D 12345 | cluster-id=12345, db= |
-D test | cluster-id=test, db= |
不提供 | 不合法 |
只允许 cluster-id=42,否则报错
mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P4000
ERROR 1105 (HY000): cluster id is not privided
mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P4000 -Dtest
ERROR 1105 (HY000): cluster test not found
mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P4000 -D1234.test
ERROR 1105 (HY000): cluster 1234 not found
mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P4000 -D42.test
mysql> select DATABASE();
| test |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql -uroot -h127.0.0.1 -P4000 -D42
mysql> select DATABASE();
| NULL |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
connect with 'root@tcp('
query error: Error 1105: cluster id is not privided
connect with 'root@tcp('
query error: Error 1105: cluster test not found
connect with 'root@tcp('
query error: Error 1105: cluster 1234 not found
connect with 'root@tcp('
using db: test
connect with 'root@tcp('
using db:
以上报错都是 query 阶段报的错,即 sql.Open 会成功,后面 db.Query 才报错,应该跟 Go 的某种 lazy init 有关。
conn using: jdbc:mysql://docker.for.mac.localhost:4000/
connect error:java.sql.SQLException: cluster id is not privided
conn using: jdbc:mysql://docker.for.mac.localhost:4000/test
connect error:java.sql.SQLException: cluster test not found
conn using: jdbc:mysql://docker.for.mac.localhost:4000/1234.test
connect error:java.sql.SQLException: cluster 1234 not found
conn using: jdbc:mysql://docker.for.mac.localhost:4000/42.test
using db:test
conn using: jdbc:mysql://docker.for.mac.localhost:4000/42
using db:null
test conn using db: test
error connecting: Error: ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR: cluster test not found
test conn using db:
error connecting: Error: ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR: cluster id is not privided
test conn using db: 1234.test
error connecting: Error: ER_UNKNOWN_ERROR: cluster 1234 not found
test conn using db: 42.test
using db: test
test conn using db: 42
using db: null
test using db =
connect failed, err: (1105, 'cluster id is not privided')
test using db = test
connect failed, err: (1105, 'cluster test not found')
test using db = 1234.test
connect failed, err: (1105, 'cluster 1234 not found')
test using db = 42.test
using database: test
test using db = 42
using database: None
试了几个 library,都不支持在建立连接时设置DB(即使允许设置,实际执行仍是先连接再 use db)。如果要支持 php,我们需要在建立连接时判断如果没有DB,不直接报错而是再等待下一条消息是 use db。
C++/ruby 没跑起来,目测可以指定 db 应该没问题。