This is the model. (TMB
package will need to be installed.) Includes an option (passed as data) for the 3 different dispersal models, two different statistical models, and 4 different dispersal options/structures. "MM" stood for michaelis-menten-like curve for dispersal parameter; while that is one option, there are 5 total:
- Dispersal distribution is constant over time.
- Estimate the dispersal parameter independently for each time period.
- Estimate the dispersal parameter a random effect.
- Assume increases over time, with an asymptote (ax/[b+x]).
- Assume increases over time, with an asymptote (a[1-exp(-bt)]).
Compiles the C++ code, loads helper functions for the TMB model.
Fits various forms of the model to the observed data
Simulates data and fits model to simulated data as per simulation experiment described in manuscript.
Generates plots and tables (in csv files) summarizing data, model fits, and simulations