Consists of three levels.
Each level is broadcasting only in its own separate port.
The server must be set at least wireless card.
- Registration Level. Registration of new users is going on here.
- Authentication Level. Registered users login here.
- Primary Level. Actually the chat.
Note: User names and passwords stored in a "users" file.
Note: Primary level has a random port each new uptime cycle.
Recommended: Register the "Server.lua" script in autorun.lua on the server side
Server commands
restart - forced restart.
close - сlose server immediately.
[message] - broadcast message with tag [Server].
ban [nickname] - ban by nickname (row in banlist).
The client computer must have at least one wireless card.
When the chat starts the first thing checked connection to the server
After logging the client receives primary level port from the server. (chat port)
"exit" command used to exit from chat.