Demo Credit is a mobile lending app that requires wallet functionality. This is needed as borrowers need a wallet to receive the loans they have been granted and also send the money for repayments built with Node js, Express, TypeScript and Mysql
It has the following functionalities
- A user can create an account
- A user can fund their account
- A user can transfer funds to another user’s account
Clone this repo
git clone
- Install and start Docker if you haven't already.
- Copy the
template file. Input the passwords and app secrets.
cp .env.sample .env
- Build and run the image to run the backend services.
docker compose up --build
- Run migrations
npx knex migrate:latest --knexfile=src/shared/infra/database/knex/knexfile.ts
- Seed database
npx knex seed:run --knexfile=src/shared/infra/database/knex/knexfile.ts
You can visit the app by going to http://localhost:5300
npm run test:unit
- Mysql - Database
- Knex js - The Query Builder for Node.js
- Objection js - The ORM for Node.js
- Express.js - Lightweight webserver
- Redis - For holding onto JWT tokens and refresh tokens