Each branch of this Repo coincides with a part/stage in the workshop. Each part is broken into steps which are given in the README's of each branch. The code in a particular branch is the "answer/solution" for taking the steps.
If you're really stuck you may take a look at the code in the branch. However, try to not do this too often, as you won't learn as much. To learn effectively you need to wrestle with the problem for a bit, don't just ctrl-c ctrl-v :/
- PART 1 - Connecting to Firebase
- PART 2 - Auth, SplashScreen Intents & Signing Out
- PART 3 - First valueEventListener
- PART 4 - AddValueEventListener for Question Index
- PART 5 - setValues in Firebase
- PART 6 - Check if answered and answer
- PART 7 - Listen for answer totals
- Master - Completed App (Polishing - last few things)
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