Simple yii2 component for persistent settings storage
The preferred way to install this extension is through composer.
Either run
php composer.phar require olessavluk/yii2-settings "*@dev"
or add
"olessavluk/yii2-settings": "*@dev"
to your composer.json
Add migration to create table for settings:
class m150929_124601_settings extends olessavluk\settings\m150929_122401_settings
Add the following code in your application configuration:
'components' => [
* required for advanced application template,
* to share cache between frontend and backend
'frontCache' => [
'class' => 'yii\caching\FileCache',
'cachePath' => '@frontend/runtime/cache',
'settings' => [
'class' => '\olessavluk\settings\SettingsComponent',
'cacheName' => 'frontCache',
'defaults' => [ //optional default settings
'app' => [
'siteName' => 'MyApp',
'adminEmail' => '[email protected]',
'fromEmail' => '[email protected]',
Now you can use this component:
Yii->$app->settings->get('app', 'siteName');
Yii->$app->settings->delete('app', 'siteName');
Yii->$app->settings->set('app', 'siteName', 'NewSiteName');