Mockingboard (Apple II sound card) emulation for A2Pico card
Apple ][ emulator for MS-DOS, written in 8088 assembly
CherryUSB is a tiny, beautiful and portable USB host and device stack for embedded system with USB IP
Commented disassebmly of the Z80 PCPI Appli-card for apple II computers
Firmware for a Neo6502 Retrocomputer
Read-only mirror of the official repo at git:// Pull requests welcome. Please file bugreports at
This projects provides alternate firmware for A2VGA cards to add USB support to the Apple II. It currently supports a USB mouse and fully emulates an Apple II Mouse Interface Card.
A fully-modern text-based browser, rendering to TTY and browsers
Portable emulator of an Apple ][+ or //e. Written in Go.
8-bit chip and system emulators in standalone C headers
PIO/DMA implementation of picoROM project to simulate an EEPROM using a Raspberry Pico
Port of LLVM to the MOS 6502 and related processors
Enhancing the HiTech C compiler capability on 128KB/512KB RAM hardware configurations
A list of known filetypes for the Apple II computer