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Static website made with Hugo.



Easy way

The simplest way of contributing (e.g. if you found a mistake in one of the posts) is to simply edit the .md (MarkDown) documents you can find under the website/content/ directory. Then simply send a pull request.

To create a new post you can copy an existing document or folder (basically only needed if the post contains images) and adapt as needed.

To create or update German translations you can use DeepL and modify/create corresponding files under website/content/de/ .

Using hugo

This website is created using the static site generator Hugo. If you want to contribute frequently or want to preview your post you can install Hugo and then:

cd website
hugo new posts/
# edit content/posts/
# optionally edit content/posts/ for the German translation
hugo server -D

Open http://localhost:1313 in a browser and check your post.

Learn more about Hugo.

Adding Events

cd website
hugo new events/${NAME}/
vim content/events/${NAME}/
cp ~/Desktop/cover.webp content/events/${NAME}/cover.webp
convert -resize 512x512 content/events/${NAME}/cover.webp content/events/${NAME}/cover.webp
cp content/events/${NAME}/ content/events/${NAME}/
vim content/events/${NAME}/_index*.md
jj commit -m "Add event ${NAME}"

To edit an existing event (e.g. because initially there was no theme).

cd website
git mv content/events/2023-02-17-meetup/ content/events/2023-02-17-exercising/
vim content/events/2023-02-17-exercising/_index*.md

Add an aliases section in each case:

  - /events/2023-02-17-meetup/
  - /de/termine/2023-02-17-meetup/

Edit the title, description, slug and content in each case.