An OMERO.web plugin for opening images via configured URLs:
$ omero config append omero.web.apps '"omero_openwith_url"' $ omero config append omero.web.open_with '["openwith_url", "$ID.zarr", {"script_url": "omero_openwith_url/openwith.js", "label":"vizarr"}]'
Dev install:
$ cd omero_openwith_url $ pip install -e .
Or install from master branch on github:
pip install git+
The open_with config above adds an vizarr option to the Open-with menu of webclient. It also loads the static/omero_openwith_url/openwith.js script into the webclient.
When the open-with contextmenu is opened, we use the Image ID to ping If we get any error, the Open-with > vizarr menu item is disabled.
If the menu item it clicked, we Open the url configured above, replacing the $ID with the ID of the chosen Image.
NB: to enable testing this when the actual ID of the Image doesn't match the IDR ID.zarr (when we're not running this on IDR itself), if the Image name starts with a number, so that parseInt(name) gives us a number, that will be used instead of the image ID e.g. Name an Image like 6001240_B1_C1.tif to Open 6001240.zarr.