New styles and components
new animated Arrow component
custom src to Logo icon and wordmark and optional href
add description prop to Input
rework Background with new design options
expand default icon list in icons.ts
introduce data-scaling attribute
add code variant to Text and Heading
add config to apply default style and metadata
new Header and Sidebar components
new MediaUpload component (compressor.js)
new CodeBlock component (prism.js)
new ToastProvider component to manage Toast globally
new Textarea component
new GlitchFx component
new Carousel component
new Badge component
prevent subline in User to break into multiple lines
prevent RevealFx sizing related UI bugs
prevent Button height from collapsing
prevent Avatar overflow issue on iOS Safari
prevent Accordion animation glitches
update border radius tokens in components
minor UI bugs
add new component exports to index.ts
remove default icon from Select
rework icon size in IconButton
improve Feedback UI
improve Dialog UI
global style updates
update trademarks
update demo layout and page
SegmentedControl requires value
improve Dropdown functionality
improve Dialog UI
unify Switch, RadioButton, and Checkbox style, improve semantics
fix Accordion animation glitches
update / simplify transition tokens
improve code consistency
rename radius-999 token to radius-full
Read docs ->
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