A multifunctional Discord bot in TypeScript.
Disclaimer: As long as you see this, the features listed below may not be implemented.
- General utilities such as searching Google Images, YouTube, Urban Dictionary, MyAnimeList, dice rolls, and more.
- Anything else I can think of
Don't. Host it yourself for now.
"bot": {
"token": "token",
"owner": "bot owner id",
"clientId": "bot id"
"lastfm": {
"apikey": "last.fm api key"
"cat": {
"apikey": "cat api key (https://thecatapi.com)"
"anilist": {
"apikey": "anilist api key"
"google": {
"apikey": "google api key",
"cx": "google custom search engine identifier for images"
in config/config.json
This bot uses MongoDB. It creates a database titled main
and connects to mongodb://localhost:27017/alice
which can be seen on line 10.
This isn't a hard requirement. The bot will work without MonogoDB.