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Merge pull request #111 from onflow/mainnet-prep
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Mainnet prep
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sisyphusSmiling authored Aug 31, 2024
2 parents 3e8011f + ab4de5f commit f7c98ea
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Showing 7 changed files with 896 additions and 26 deletions.
14 changes: 7 additions & 7 deletions
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,13 +10,13 @@ This repo contains contracts enabling bridging of fungible & non-fungible tokens
PreviewNet is currently the only EVM-enabled network on Flow. The bridge in this repo are deployed to the following

|All Cadence Bridge contracts|`0x7792cfb75d8dfdd8`|`0xdfc20aee650fcbdf`|TBD|
|All Cadence Bridge contracts|[`0xdfc20aee650fcbdf`](|[`0x1e4aa0b87d10b141`](|

## Interacting with the bridge

Expand Down
89 changes: 89 additions & 0 deletions cadence/args/bridged-nft-code-chunks-args-mainnet.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

65 changes: 65 additions & 0 deletions cadence/args/bridged-token-code-chunks-args-mainnet.json

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

386 changes: 386 additions & 0 deletions cadence/contracts/templates/mainnet/EVMBridgedNFTTemplate.cdc

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

271 changes: 271 additions & 0 deletions cadence/contracts/templates/mainnet/EVMBridgedTokenTemplate.cdc
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,271 @@
import NonFungibleToken from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import MetadataViews from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import ViewResolver from 0x1d7e57aa55817448
import FungibleToken from 0xf233dcee88fe0abe
import FungibleTokenMetadataViews from 0xf233dcee88fe0abe
import FlowToken from 0x1654653399040a61

import EVM from 0xe467b9dd11fa00df

import ICrossVM from 0x1e4aa0b87d10b141
import IEVMBridgeTokenMinter from 0x1e4aa0b87d10b141
import FlowEVMBridgeTokenEscrow from 0x1e4aa0b87d10b141
import FlowEVMBridgeConfig from 0x1e4aa0b87d10b141
import FlowEVMBridgeUtils from 0x1e4aa0b87d10b141
import FlowEVMBridge from 0x1e4aa0b87d10b141
import CrossVMNFT from 0x1e4aa0b87d10b141
import CrossVMToken from 0x1e4aa0b87d10b141

/// This contract is a template used by FlowEVMBridge to define EVM-native fungible tokens bridged from Flow EVM to
/// Cadence. Upon deployment of this contract, the contract name is derived as a function of the asset type (here an
/// ERC20) and the contract's EVM address. The derived contract name is then joined with this contract's code,
/// prepared as chunks in FlowEVMBridgeTemplates before being deployed to the Flow EVM Bridge account.
/// On bridging, the ERC20 is transferred to the bridge's CadenceOwnedAccount EVM address and tokens are minted from
/// this contract to the bridging caller. On return to Flow EVM, the reverse process is followed - the token is burned
/// in this contract and the ERC20 is transferred to the defined recipient. In this way, the Cadence Vault acts as a
/// representation of both the EVM tokens and thus ownership rights to it upon bridging back to Flow EVM.
/// To bridge between VMs, a caller can either use the interface exposed on CadenceOwnedAccount or use FlowEVMBridge
/// public contract methods.
access(all) contract {{CONTRACT_NAME}} : ICrossVM, IEVMBridgeTokenMinter, FungibleToken {

/// Pointer to the Factory deployed Solidity contract address defining the bridged asset
access(all) let evmTokenContractAddress: EVM.EVMAddress
/// Name of the fungible token defined in the corresponding ERC20 contract
access(all) let name: String
/// Symbol of the fungible token defined in the corresponding ERC20 contract
access(all) let symbol: String
/// Decimal place value defined in the source ERC20 contract
access(all) let decimals: UInt8
/// URI of the contract, if available as a var in case the bridge enables cross-VM Metadata syncing in the future
access(all) var contractURI: String?
/// Total supply of this Cadence token in circulation
/// NOTE: This does not reflect the total supply of the source ERC20 in circulation within EVM
access(all) var totalSupply: UFix64
/// Retain a Vault to reference when resolving Vault Metadata
access(self) let vault: @Vault

/// The Vault resource representing the bridged ERC20 token
access(all) resource Vault : CrossVMToken.EVMTokenInfo, FungibleToken.Vault {
/// Balance of the tokens in a given Vault
access(all) var balance: UFix64

init(balance: UFix64) {
self.balance = balance

/* --- CrossVMToken.EVMFTVault conformance --- */
/// Gets the ERC20 name value
access(all) view fun getName(): String {
return {{CONTRACT_NAME}}.name
/// Gets the ERC20 symbol value
access(all) view fun getSymbol(): String {
return {{CONTRACT_NAME}}.symbol
/// Gets the ERC20 decimals value
access(all) view fun getDecimals(): UInt8 {
return {{CONTRACT_NAME}}.decimals
/// Returns the EVM contract address of the fungible token
access(all) view fun getEVMContractAddress(): EVM.EVMAddress {
return {{CONTRACT_NAME}}.getEVMContractAddress()

access(all) view fun getViews(): [Type] {
return {{CONTRACT_NAME}}.getContractViews(resourceType: nil)

access(all) fun resolveView(_ view: Type): AnyStruct? {
return {{CONTRACT_NAME}}.resolveContractView(resourceType: nil, viewType: view)

/// getSupportedVaultTypes optionally returns a list of vault types that this receiver accepts
access(all) view fun getSupportedVaultTypes(): {Type: Bool} {
return { self.getType(): true }

access(all) view fun isSupportedVaultType(type: Type): Bool {
return self.getSupportedVaultTypes()[type] ?? false

/// Asks if the amount can be withdrawn from this vault
access(all) view fun isAvailableToWithdraw(amount: UFix64): Bool {
return amount <= self.balance

/// deposit
/// Function that takes a Vault object as an argument and adds
/// its balance to the balance of the owners Vault.
/// It is allowed to destroy the sent Vault because the Vault
/// was a temporary holder of the tokens. The Vault's balance has
/// been consumed and therefore can be destroyed.
access(all) fun deposit(from: @{FungibleToken.Vault}) {
let vault <- from as! @Vault
self.balance = self.balance + vault.balance
vault.balance = 0.0
destroy vault

/// createEmptyVault
/// Function that creates a new Vault with a balance of zero
/// and returns it to the calling context. A user must call this function
/// and store the returned Vault in their storage in order to allow their
/// account to be able to receive deposits of this token type.
access(all) fun createEmptyVault(): @Vault {
return <-create Vault(balance: 0.0)

/// withdraw
/// Function that takes an amount as an argument
/// and withdraws that amount from the Vault.
/// It creates a new temporary Vault that is used to hold
/// the tokens that are being transferred. It returns the newly
/// created Vault to the context that called so it can be deposited
/// elsewhere.
access(FungibleToken.Withdraw) fun withdraw(amount: UFix64): @Vault {
self.balance = self.balance - amount
return <-create Vault(balance: amount)

/// Called when a fungible token is burned via the `Burner.burn()` method
access(contract) fun burnCallback() {
if self.balance > 0.0 {
{{CONTRACT_NAME}}.totalSupply = {{CONTRACT_NAME}}.totalSupply - self.balance
self.balance = 0.0

/// createEmptyVault
/// Function that creates a new Vault with a balance of zero and returns it to the calling context. A user must call
/// this function and store the returned Vault in their storage in order to allow their account to be able to
/// receive deposits of this token type.
access(all) fun createEmptyVault(vaultType: Type): @{{CONTRACT_NAME}}.Vault {
return <- create Vault(balance: 0.0)


/// Returns the EVM contract address of the fungible token this contract represents
access(all) view fun getEVMContractAddress(): EVM.EVMAddress {
return self.evmTokenContractAddress

/// Function that returns all the Metadata Views implemented by this fungible token contract.
/// @return An array of Types defining the implemented views. This value will be used by
/// developers to know which parameter to pass to the resolveView() method.
access(all) view fun getContractViews(resourceType: Type?): [Type] {
return [

/// Function that resolves a metadata view for this contract.
/// @param view: The Type of the desired view.
/// @return A structure representing the requested view.
access(all) fun resolveContractView(resourceType: Type?, viewType: Type): AnyStruct? {
switch viewType {
case Type<FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTView>():
return FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTView(
ftDisplay: self.resolveContractView(resourceType: nil, viewType: Type<FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTDisplay>()) as! FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTDisplay?,
ftVaultData: self.resolveContractView(resourceType: nil, viewType: Type<FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTVaultData>()) as! FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTVaultData?
case Type<FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTDisplay>():
let media = MetadataViews.Media(
file: MetadataViews.HTTPFile(
url: ""
mediaType: "image/svg+xml"
let medias = MetadataViews.Medias([media])
return FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTDisplay(
// TODO: Decide on how we want to represent bridged token media
symbol: self.symbol,
description: "This fungible token was bridged from Flow EVM.",
externalURL: MetadataViews.ExternalURL(""),
logos: medias,
socials: {}
case Type<FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTVaultData>():
return FungibleTokenMetadataViews.FTVaultData(
storagePath: /storage/{{CONTRACT_NAME}}Vault,
receiverPath: /public/{{CONTRACT_NAME}}Receiver,
metadataPath: /public/{{CONTRACT_NAME}}Vault,
receiverLinkedType: Type<&{{CONTRACT_NAME}}.Vault>(),
metadataLinkedType: Type<&{{CONTRACT_NAME}}.Vault>(),
createEmptyVaultFunction: (fun(): @{FungibleToken.Vault} {
return <-self.createEmptyVault(vaultType: Type<@{{CONTRACT_NAME}}.Vault>())
case Type<FungibleTokenMetadataViews.TotalSupply>():
return FungibleTokenMetadataViews.TotalSupply(
totalSupply: self.totalSupply
case Type<MetadataViews.EVMBridgedMetadata>():
return MetadataViews.EVMBridgedMetadata(
symbol: self.symbol,
uri: self.contractURI != nil ? MetadataViews.URI(baseURI: nil, value: self.contractURI!) : MetadataViews.URI(baseURI: nil, value: "")
return nil

Internal Methods

/// Allows the bridge to mint tokens from bridge-defined fungible token contracts
access(account) fun mintTokens(amount: UFix64): @{FungibleToken.Vault} {
self.totalSupply = self.totalSupply + amount
return <- create Vault(balance: amount)

init(name: String, symbol: String, decimals: UInt8, evmContractAddress: EVM.EVMAddress, contractURI: String?) {
self.evmTokenContractAddress = evmContractAddress = name
self.symbol = symbol
self.decimals = decimals
self.contractURI = contractURI
self.totalSupply = 0.0
self.vault <- create Vault(balance: 0.0)

FlowEVMBridgeConfig.associateType(Type<@{{CONTRACT_NAME}}.Vault>(), with: self.evmTokenContractAddress)
with: <-create Vault(balance: 0.0),
name: name,
symbol: symbol,
decimals: decimals,
evmTokenAddress: self.evmTokenContractAddress

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