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Theme for Ontario ckan including:

  • metadata schema
  • forms
  • templates and design
  • validation for CSV resources


Related projects, repositories, branches and CKAN plugins
Project Github group/repo Branch Plugins
CKAN ckan/ckan ckan-2.9.x N/A
Scheming extension open-data/ckanext-scheming master scheming_datasets
Fluent extension open-data/ckanext-fluent master fluent
Validation extension fork of frictionlessdata/ckanext-validation develop validation

Directory Structure

Four directories compose this repository

  • scripts: contains scripts to setup CKAN and required applications
  • config: contains configuration files needed for installation and configuration of CKAN
  • ckanext: Ontario Theme Extension files for CKAN
  • bin: contains CI scripts that are no longer being used. This directory is pending deletion/cleanup

Plugins in this Extension:

  • ontario_theme base and internal-facing Ontario data catalogue
  • ontario_theme_external customizations for external facing Ontario data catalogue (requires ontario_theme)


To install ckanext-ontario_theme for development, activate your CKAN virtualenv and do:

git clone
cd ckanext-ontario_theme
python develop
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

python develop
pip install -r dev-requirements.txt

Update the development.ini (or production.ini) plugins:

# This relies on scheming and fluent, make sure these are already installed.
# Note: This extension needs to be before scheming and fluent in the *.ini
# config file to let the form overrides work.

# For external catalogue
ckan.plugins = [...] ontario_theme_external ontario_theme scheming_datasets scheming_organizations scheming_groups fluent [...]

# Add licenses
licenses_group_url = file:///<path to this extension>/ckanext/ontario_theme/schemas/licences.json

Setup for CKAN tracking ( The config setting is in the already.

Create a sysadmin user, login and set the HomePage layout under Admin -> Config to the third option. Our homepage uses this layout as its base.

ckanext-validation Integration

This code contains a redesign of the workflow for adding and editing resources where users are guided by a four-step wizard process. Note: this is still a work-in-progress.

Step 1:

CSV files selected for upload are checked for header and table property errors by the ckanext-validation extension. Only files that pass all checks are pushed to datastore. Screenshot-step1

Step 2:

Intermediate step: the user is notified that the validation was successful while XLoader asynchronously pushes the CSV file to the database. A load indicator is displayed during the submission process, which could take seconds to minutes, depending on the file size:



When the XLoader job status is complete, a “Continue” button is displayed that redirects to the Data Dictionary page (Step 3): Screenshot step2_continue

Step 3:

Data Dictionary: the default CKAN data dictionary form is displayed to allow data type definitions. The validation plugin checks against the data types saved in the form.

Screenshot step3

Step 4:

Successful data type validation leads to the final page in the workflow where the user can review the metadata and data dictionary info and either link back to make changes or publish as is.



Follow the CKAN style rules.

Installing dev-tools and pre-commit hooks for development

Activate your CKAN virtualenv and run:

pip install -r dev-requirements.txt
pre-commit install

We use the djLint pre-commit hook to lint our code.

To format staged code manually, run the following in your CKAN virtualenv:

pre-commit run --hook-stage manual format

Adding ODC recommended settings to your vscode

For our CSS formatting, we are using the vscode CSS formatter.

  1. Create file settings.json in the .vscode folder
  2. Copy contents of settings.json.default into the settings.json file. Save.

We have recommendations for vscode extensions in the extensions.json file of the .vscode folder. On start up, a pop up will appear asking if you would like to install the extensions. The extensions are to make development easier within this repo, they are:

1. Better Jinja, syntax highlighting for Jinja2
2. Flake8, Python linter
3. GitLens
4. Diff, diff comparison
5. NGINX Configuration Language Support


Current Process:

  • We currently do them manually
  • We have not been updating the line numbers or comments at all
  • We edit the .pot and .po files manually for new and modified strings
  • the .mo file is generated at deployment on the server with python compile_catalog from the ckanext-ontario_theme directory

Initial Creation:

  • Initially the .pot file was created as per docs (python extract_messages) and we generated the .po file for our locale as well (python init_catalog -l fr). Some tweaks were made for formatting large strings and removing things that are covered by the CKAN .po files (e.g. “Dataset” is already translated).

Additional Info:

  • you have a template file (.pot) that has the msgid and the empty msgstr.
  • the template can be used to create other locale translation files (e.g. French, Spanish, German, etc.)
  • the translation files (.po) have the “id” and the translation for that locale. The translation text is manually added in (or with something like Transifex).
  • the .mo file is the compiled translation for each locale that is used when displaying the site in that locale.
  • Note: if you regenerate the .pot file it replaces the existing one based on the current state of the templates. If you then regenerate the .po file it does the same and all translation content will be lost unless you do an update and go through for edits. It’s partially why this form of translations are for things that are static content that change rarely. More dynamic content should be handled elsewhere (e.g. see ckanext-fluent)

Running the Tests

To run the tests, make sure your ckan install is setup for tests, do:

cd ckanext-ontario_theme # go to extension directory
pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/ontario_theme/tests/

To run the tests and produce a coverage report, first make sure you have coverage installed in your virtualenv (pip install coverage) then run:

coverage run -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/ontario_theme/tests/

You can then run:

coverage html


coverage report

You can then find the coverage reports in a generated htmlcov folder.

Our custom config settings are in ./test.ini.

Running a single test

Single Test class:

coverage run -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/ontario_theme/tests/

Single Test module:

coverage run -m pytest --ckan-ini=test.ini ckanext/ontario_theme/tests/