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Repository files navigation

          O N I   C O N D U C T A N C E  
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Building locally:

cd conductance
docker build -t onilabs/conductance:local .

Running testsuite:

For local code repository:

cd conductance
docker-compose -f ./docker-compose.test.yml up --build

Or, for a built image with tag 'TAG':

docker run --rm -t --entrypoint /bin/bash onilabs/conductance:TAG
  -c "/usr/src/conductance/node_modules/stratifiedjs/test/run && 

Running clientside testsuite:

In stratifiedjs/test dir:

conductance serve

Then open localhost:7071/test/run.html in browser

In conductance/test dir:

conductance serve run.mho

Then open localhost:7078/test/run.html in browser