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Error in user YAML: (<unknown>): did not find expected alphabetic or numeric character while scanning an alias at line 1 column 1
**Ocean Observatories Initiative Cyberinfrastructure**  
**Integrated Observatory Network (ION)**  




Obtain the THREDDS project by running:

git clone -b develop [email protected]:ooici-eoi/THREDDS.git
git submodule update --init

###Pre-compilation Only need to do once or after modifications to base NetCDF component libraries

From THREDDS directory:

Compile the NetCDF Core library

mvn install  

IF you make changes to any of the core NetCDF libraries (in the 'cdm', 'opendap', 'bufr', 'common', or 'grib' directories) - they will only be discovered by the ooici-iosp codebase if you either:

a) copy the libraries to the ooici/.settings/override-repo by running: "ant stage_netcdf_deps" from the THREDDS directory

Note that if you use this method, you will need to run "ant unstage_netcdf_deps" in order to switch back to getting the core dependencies from the remote server

b) copy the new core libraries to the root level of the release server so they are available for the ooici-iosp codebase

After the new libraries are available on the server, run "ant resolve" from the THREDDS/ooici/ directory to update the local workspace

Compile the UI library

ant -f cdm/build.xml ionMakeUI  

##Compile/release toolsUI jar Resulting jar file in lib/releases

ant relToolsUI

##Compile/release thredds war Resulting war file in lib/releases

ant relTds