You must be registered with the ION system and your user must have early-adopter priviledges for the dispatcher to function. Contact Chris Mueller for more info.
setup your python virtualenv:
[ setup virtual env ], follow steps here:
mkvirtualenv dispatcher
git clone git://
cd dispatcher_deployment
download tarball from *NOTE: the 7 characters at the end of the downloaded file may differ from those below
tar xfz ooici-eoi-dispatcher_deployment-6ca540a.tar.gz
mv ooici-eoi-dispatcher_deployment-6ca540a dispatcher_deployment
cd dispatcher_deployment
from the 'dispatcher_deployment' directory, configure the deployment with:
./bin/buildout dispatcher-config:host=<your host here> dispatcher-config:sysname=<your sysname here>
NOTE: If the broker has a username/password, specify it via dispatcher-config:username=<username>
and dispatcher-config:password=<password>
on the command above.
Now you can navigate to http://localhost:9001 to see it running, login with ooici/sekrit
./bin/twistd -n cc -h <your host here> -a sysname=<your sysname here> res/apps/
Turn off the current dispatcher with:
bin/dispatcher-supervisorctl stop
bin/dispatcher-supervisorctl shutdown
ps –ef | grep dispatcher
kill –9 <any processes the grep finds>
Run the following command:
OR perform the update manually ( records your last buildout settings so you don't have to retype all of this):
git pull
./bin/buildout dispatcher-config:host=<your host here> dispatcher-config:sysname=<your sysname here>
NOTE: If the broker has a username/password, specify it via dispatcher-config:username=<username>
and dispatcher-config:password=<password>
on the command above.
Restart the dispatcher via supervisord:
Turn off the current dispatcher:
bin/dispatcher-supervisorctl stop
bin/dispatcher-supervisorctl shutdown
ps –ef | grep dispatcher
kill –9 <any processes the grep finds>
Copy/move the "" and "" files to another location:
mv ../
mv ../
Delete the "dispatcher_deployment" directory:
cd ..
rm -r dispatcher_deployment
Download and untar the new deployment from:
tar xfz ooici-eoi-dispatcher_deployment-6ca540a.tar.gz
mv ooici-eoi-dispatcher_deployment-6ca540a dispatcher_deployment
cd dispatcher_deployment
Follow the steps in the "Configure the deployment" section above but DO NOT start the dispatcher
Copy/move the "" and "" files into the new "dispatcher_deployment" directory
mv ../
mv ../
Start the dispatcher: