An implementation of the Language Protocol Server for Pug.js
- Installation
- Features
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in mason.nvim - Setup using nvim-lspconfig:
Pug-LSP can be installed via
go get
or manually downloaded from releases page
aims to provide suggestions for you to edit .pug
in your editor.
Project is under heavy development. Current functionality can be change in stable release.
Yes, go-to-definition supported
Auto suggest list of HTML5 tags.
Yes, it's a real feature of Pug
Look through included files and suggest defined mixins!
PugJS has a pre-defined list of possible doctypes.
Pug-LSP simply follows Pug's implementation
Note Case Fall Through
You can use fall through, just as you would in a JavaScript switch statement.
The difference, however, is a fall through in JavaScript happens whenever a break statement is not explicitly included; in Pug, it only happens when a block is completely missing.
If you would like to not output anything in a specific case, add an explicit unbuffered break snippet: - break