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Merge develop into master #3

merged 66 commits into from
Apr 16, 2020
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66 commits
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add + content
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
Rename to
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
add + content
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
Add + content
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
Add + content
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
change to the correct file names instead of hackmd
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Add + content
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
Merge branch 'building-content' of…
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
added + content
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
change hackmd links to file names
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
Merge branch 'building-content' of…
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
replace hackmd links to file names
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
replace hachmd links with file names
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
replace hackmd links with file names
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
replace hackmd links with file names
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
inlineing CSS
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
Merge branch 'building-content' of…
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
change div to table
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Merge branch 'building-content' of…
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Merge branch 'develop' into building-content
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
- one column
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
change div to table
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
change css to table
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
change css to table
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Merge branch 'building-content' of…
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
change css to table
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
fixing question link
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
change hackmd links to file names
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
change css to table
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
change hackmd links to file names
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
change hackmd links to file names
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Create CODE OF
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Hyperlink to,
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
link fix
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
remove caps
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
Merge pull request #1 from open-zaak/building-content
clausmullie Apr 14, 2020
Rename CODE OF to
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
change back to section link
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
change code of conduct jumplink
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
link fix
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Merge pull request #2 from open-zaak/file-name-change
ElenaFdR Apr 14, 2020
move navigation bar to top
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
move navigation bar to top
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
move navigation bar to top
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
move navigation bar to top
Ainali Apr 14, 2020
Changes #3
ElenaFdR Apr 15, 2020
Implementing @hugo-ter-doest edits
ElenaFdR Apr 15, 2020
ElenaFdR Apr 15, 2020
Fix hyperlink to issue tracker
clausmullie Apr 15, 2020
added back link straight to issue creation
Ainali Apr 15, 2020
Merge pull request #6 from open-zaak/fix-create-issue-links
clausmullie Apr 15, 2020
collaborative governance/public issue tracker
ElenaFdR Apr 15, 2020
Fix links in readme
clausmullie Apr 16, 2020
link governance file
clausmullie Apr 16, 2020
align to style
clausmullie Apr 16, 2020
Merge pull request #9 from open-zaak/Fix-links-in-readme
Ainali Apr 16, 2020
Merge pull request #4 from open-zaak/navigation-bar-on-top
clausmullie Apr 16, 2020
Merge pull request #5 from open-zaak/Hugo-review-comments
clausmullie Apr 16, 2020
ElenaFdR Apr 16, 2020
ElenaFdR Apr 16, 2020
File filter

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35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions
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# DRAFT: OpenZaak Code of Conduct

## Our pledge

In the interest of fostering an open and welcoming environment, we as contributors and maintainers pledge to make participation in our project and our community a positive experience for everyone, regardless of who you are or on whose behalf you are making contributions.

## Our standards

Examples of behavior that contributes to creating a positive environment

* Using welcoming and inclusive language
* Being respectful of differing viewpoints and experiences
* Gracefully accepting constructive criticism
* Focusing on what is best for the community

## Our responsibilities

OpenZaak maintainers are responsible for clarifying the standards of acceptable behavior and are expected to take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any instances of unacceptable behavior.

Technical steering team members have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, or to ban temporarily or permanently any contributor for other behaviors that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.

## Scope

This Code of Conduct applies within all project spaces, and it also applies when an individual is representing the project or its community in public spaces. Examples of representing a project or community include using an official project e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event. Representation of a project may be further defined and clarified by project maintainers.

## Enforcement

Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported by contacting the technical steering team at [INSERT EMAIL ADDRESS] or by contacting a technical steering team member directly. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated and will result in a response that is deemed necessary and appropriate to the circumstances. The technical steering team is obligated to maintain confidentiality with regard to the reporter of an incident. Further details of specific enforcement policies may be posted separately.

OpenZaak maintainers who do not follow or enforce the Code of Conduct in good faith may face temporary or permanent repercussions as determined by other members of the product team's leadership.

## Attribution

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the [Contributor Covenant](, version 1.4.
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# DRAFT: OpenZaak codebase governance

## Introduction

This document contains a draft proposal for the '' file on the OpenZaak repository.

## Principles

As a community we want make it easier for new users to become contributors and maintainers.

The OpenZaak community adheres to the following principles:

* OpenZaak is open source.
* We're a welcoming and respectful community as mentioned in our [Code of Conduct](
* Transparent and accessible, changes to the OpenZaak organization, OpenZaak code repositories, and OpenZaak related activities (e.g. level, involvement, etc) are done in public.
* Ideas and contributions are accepted according to their technical and functional merit and alignment with project objectives, scope, and design principles.

The maintainers of OpenZaak have two steering teams, a technical one and a product one.

Through codebase stewardship the [Foundation for Public Code]( supports the governance of OpenZaak, the product and technical steering teams, and its community.

## Technical steering team

The OpenZaak technical steering team members are active contributors who are on a day-to-day basis responsible for:

* Merging pull requests
* Handling code of conduct violations
* Overseeing the resolution and disclosure of security issues

If technical steering team members cannot reach consensus informally, the question at hand should be forwarded to the technical steering team meeting.

Any active member of the community can request to become a technical steering team member by asking the technical steering team. The technical steering team will vote on it (simple majority).

The current team members are:


The technical steering team has the joint responsibility to:

* Provide technical direction for the codebase
* Maintain a technical roadmap, architecture and coding principles
* Resolve issues in development or conflicts between contributors
* Managing and planning releases
* Controlling rights to Open Zaak assets such as source repositories

The technical steering team meets regularly. Their agenda includes review of the technical roadmap and issues that are at an impasse. The intention of the agenda is not to review or approve all patches. This is mainly being done through the process described in the contributing guide.

If more than one technical steering team member disagrees with a decision of the technical steering team they may appeal to the product steering team who will make the ultimate ruling.

Ideally, no one company or organization will employ a simple majority of the technical steering team.

## Product steering team

Responsibilities of the product steering team:

* Maintaining the mission, vision, values, and scope of the project
* Collecting planned features and presenting them in a unified view
* Refining the governance as needed
* Making codebase level decisions
* Resolving escalated project decisions when the subteam responsible is blocked
* Managing the OpenZaak brand
* Licensing and intellectual property changes
* Controlling access to OpenZaak assets such as hosting and project calendars

Members are appointed by the current product steering team members.

Changes in codebase governance can only be done by the product steering team and requires supermajority (2/3).

ElenaFdR marked this conversation as resolved.
Show resolved Hide resolved
The current team members are:


## Decision making process

The default decision making process is lazy consensus. This means that any decision is considered supported by the team making it as long as no one objects. Silence on any consensus decision is implicit agreement and equivalent to explicit agreement. Explicit agreement may be stated at will.

When a consensus cannot be found a team member can call for a majority vote on a decision. Every team member has 1 vote.
Ainali marked this conversation as resolved.
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Many of the day-to-day project maintenance tasks can be done by a lazy consensus model. But the following items must be called to vote:

* Adding a team member (simple majority)
* Removing a team member (supermajority)
* Changing the governance rules (this document) (supermajority)
* Licensing and intellectual property changes (including new logos, wordmarks) (supermajority)
* Adding, archiving, or removing subprojects (simple majority)

## Code of Conduct

OpenZaak's Code of Conduct is explained in [this project's code of conduct](

If the possible violation involves a team member that member will be recused from voting on the issue. Such issues must be escalated to the product steering team contact, and the product steering team may choose to intervene.
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# OpenZaak market consultation index

:tada: Welcome to the OpenZaak market consultation! :tada:

:tada: Welkom bij de OpenZaak marktconsultatie! :tada:

## Nederlands

Het doel van deze marktconsultatie is om marktpartijen uit te nodigen bij het opzetten van de OpenZaak-community. Dit omvat het mede creëren van codebase-governance, de gemeenschapsdynamiek en de product marketing rondom OpenZaak, op een manier die u in staat stelt een duurzaam bedrijfsmodel na te streven.

Hieronder vindt u een inleiding, een reeks voorstellen en vragen, een voorstel voor, en informatie over hoe u op deze consultatie kunt reageren. **Deze reacties dienen uiterlijk op 1-5-2020 vóór 17:00 uur ontvangen te zijn.**

Als je vragen hebt over deze consultatie, aarzel dan niet om [een issue aan te maken]( of e-mail Niels Lindeboom op <[email protected]>.

## English

The goal of this market consultation is to invite market parties to help set up the OpenZaak community. This includes co-creating codebase governance, community dynamics, and the product marketing around OpenZaak in a way that allows you to pursue a sustainable business model.

Below you can find an introductory cover letter, a set of proposals and questions, a draft, and how to respond to this consultation. **Responses should be received by 1-5-2020 before 17:00.**

If you have any questions about this consultation, please feel free to [create an issue]( or email Niels Lindeboom at <[email protected]>.

## Consultation contents / Consultatie inhoud

Introduction / Inleiding

* [English](
* [Nederlands](

Our proposals and questions / Onze voorstellen en vragen

* [English](
* [Nederlands](

OpenZaak codebase

* OpenZaak [README]( (Nederlands)
* OpenZaak [CONTRIBUTING]( (English)
* Draft of a potential [GOVERNANCE]( file (English)
* Draft of a potential [CODE_OF_CONDUCT]( file (English)

How to respond / Hoe te reageren

* [English](
* [Nederlands](
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| <a href="">Home</a> | <a href="">Introduction</a> | <a href="">Our proposals and questions</a> | How to respond |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |

# How to respond

This page explains the process and timing for responding to the market consultation.

## Starting points for the market consultation

With OpenZaak we are taking an important step towards realising the [Common Ground]( (Dutch) principles. But we are well aware that OpenZaak is only of value if it is actively used and developed further.

Our goal is to create a community in which government, suppliers and partners work together. A community, without lock-ins, that works for all parties involved. It is also in this collective spirit that we’re setting up this market consultation.

We want to use your experience, inspiration and brainpower to come to the right set-up. In order to be able to have the right conversation, we have set out our needs, proposals and questions to the market in this document.

## Procedure of the market consultation

The market consultation consists of two parts:

1. A written response to our questions. We're deliberately not restricting the form and length of your answers. These responses should be received by 1-5-2020 before 17:00. You can send your answers to <[email protected]>. Based on your responses we will review our proposal and adjust it if there are good suggestions. This modified proposal will then become the starting point for the workshop (part two of the consultation).
2. Optional: one or more workshops where together we will determine the various needs and prerequisites within the community (participation only on request of OpenZaak). After submitting your answers, you will receive a message no later than 13-5-2020 if you are invited for the workshop. This will take place on 20th and 21st of May 2020. With the invitation you will receive further information about the exact time and location.

Dimpact is responsible for the communication about this market consultation. You can contact Niels Lindeboom at <[email protected]> or 06-22270923.
ElenaFdR marked this conversation as resolved.
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## Market consultation report

We will produce an anonymized report after interested parties have answered the questions from the market consultation document and the workshop has taken place. This report will be made available to all market consultation participants, and will be published with the announcement of a possible tender.

## Planning

| Description | Date |
| Market consultation publication | 14-4-2020 |
| Submission deadline | 1-5-2020, 17:00 |
| Possible invitation to workshop | 13-05-2020 |
| Workshop (invitation only) | 20/21-5-2020 |

## Legal aspects

This document is for market consultation purposes only. It is made available on the express condition that it will only be used to provide suggestions and ideas. Participation in this market consultation cannot lead to obligations on the part of the participating market parties to enter into agreements with the participating municipalities or Dimpact, and vice versa. Market consultation participation does not entail any reimbursement of costs.

| <a href="">Home</a> | <a href="">Introduction</a> | <a href="">Our proposals and questions</a> | How to respond |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
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| <a href="">Home</a> | <a href="">Inleiding</a> | <a href="">Onze voorstellen en vragen</a> | Reageren op de marktconsultatie |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |

# Hoe te reageren

Op deze pagina wordt het proces en het tijdschema voor de reactie op de marktconsultatie toegelicht.

## Uitgangspunten marktconsultatie

Met OpenZaak realiseren we een belangrijke stap om de [Common Ground]( principes te realiseren. Maar wij realiseren ons goed dat het pas van waarde is als het actief wordt gebruikt en doorontwikkeld.

Onze motivatie is een community te realiseren waarin overheid, leveranciers en partners samenwerken. Een community, zonder lock-ins, die voor alle betrokken werkt. Vanuit die gezamenlijkheid willen we ook deze marktconsultatie opzetten.

We willen jullie ervaring, inspiratie en denkkracht inzetten om tot de juiste opzet te komen. Om het goede gesprek te kunnen voeren hebben we in dit document onze behoeften, voorstellen en vragen aan de markt uitgewerkt.

## Procedure van de marktconsultatie

De marktconsultatie bestaat uit twee onderdelen.

1. Een schriftelijke reactie op onze vragen. We stellen bewust geen restricties aan de vorm en lengte van jullie antwoorden. Deze reacties dienen uiterlijk op 1-5-2020 vóór 17:00 uur ontvangen te zijn. Jij kunt je antwoorden sturen aan <[email protected]>. Op basis van jullie antwoorden gaan wij opnieuw kijken naar ons voorstel en dit aanpassen als er goede suggesties zijn gegeven. Dit aangepaste voorstel wordt dan het uitgangspunt voor de workshop (deel twee van de consultatie).
2. Optioneel: een of meer workshops waarin we met elkaar de diverse behoefte en voorwaarden binnen de community gaan bepalen (deelname alleen op verzoek van OpenZaak). Na het indienen van jullie antwoorden ontvang je uiterlijk 13-5-2020 2020 een bericht of je wordt uitgenodigd voor de workshop. Deze vinden plaats op 20/21-5-2020. Bij de uitnodiging ontvang je verdere informatie over de exacte tijd en locatie.

De communicatie over deze marktconsultatie verloopt via Dimpact. Je kunt contact opnemen met Niels Lindeboom op <[email protected]> of 06-22270923.

## Verslag marktconsultatie

Nadat de geïnteresseerde partijen de vragen uit het marktconsultatiedocument hebben beantwoord, en de workshop is geweest, maken wij een geanonimiseerd verslag. Dit verslag wordt ter beschikking gesteld aan alle deelnemers van de marktconsultatie, en wordt gepubliceerd bij de aankondiging van een eventuele aanbesteding.

## Planning

| Omschrijving | Datum |
| Publicatie marktconsultatie | 14-4-2020 |
| Indienen reactie (uiterlijk) | 1-5-2020, 17:00 |
| Eventuele uitnodiging Workshop | 13-5-2020 |
| Workshop (alleen op uitnodiging) | 20/21-5-2020 |

## Juridische aspecten

Dit document is alleen bestemd voor marktconsultatie doeleinden. Het wordt ter beschikking gesteld onder de uitdrukkelijke voorwaarde dat het uitsluitend gebruikt wordt om suggesties en ideeën aan te reiken. Een deelname aan deze marktconsultatie kan niet leiden tot verplichtingen van de deelnemende marktpartijen om overeenkomsten met de deelnemende gemeenten of Dimpact aan te gaan, en vice versa. Aan deelname van de marktconsultatie is geen vergoeding van kosten verbonden.

| <a href="">Home</a> | <a href="">Inleiding</a> | <a href="">Onze voorstellen en vragen</a> | Reageren op de marktconsultatie |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
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| <a href="">Home</a> | Introduction | <a href="">Our proposals and questions</a> | <a href="">How to respond</a> |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |

# Introduction: Open invitation for market parties to join the OpenZaak community

OpenZaak is an open source codebase commissioned by a coalition representing over 45 municipalities including Amsterdam, Arnhem, Delft, Haarlem, ’s-Hertogenbosch, Rotterdam, Tilburg, Hoorn, Medemblik, Utrecht, SED (composed of Stede Broec, Enkhuizen and Drechterland) and Dimpact (composed of more than 30 municipalities).

The first production-ready iteration was completed in February 2020. The OpenZaak community is now looking for market parties to help co-create a vision for what a scalable vendor network and community could look like. OpenZaak has the potential to scale to all Dutch municipalities.

The outcome of this market consultation will inform how municipalities start procuring vendor support to help with their implementations.

## What does OpenZaak do?

The OpenZaak codebase helps Dutch municipalities comply with the [VNG standard for case management]( (zaakgericht werken). It consists of Python-based backend components which provide production-ready APIs for municipalities. More information about the codebase can be found on the [OpenZaak Github repository](

## Enabling a healthy vendor community

The participating municipalities are now looking for interested vendors to support them in implementing the codebase (including in the development, maintenance, implementation and support). The ambition is to have a healthy open source community in which vendors are empowered to grow the market for OpenZaak, and procurement is simplified and standardized.

For this, we believe it is important to have an open and collaborative community, including a single codebase with a common governance structure and a shared understanding on bug fixes and support. More information on the municipalities’ needs, draft vision, and open questions can be found in [our proposals and questions]( and the [draft governance document](

## About this market consultation

Market parties interested in participating are asked to carefully [review our proposals]( and respond to the questions listed there.

Answers must be received by Niels Lindeboom before 1-5-2020. Based on these answers, market parties may be invited to one or several workshops together with the municipalities to define how to set up the OpenZaak community. More information about this market consultation process can be found in [how to respond](

This market consultation is being run by [Dimpact](, on behalf of the OpenZaak municipalities, supported by the [Foundation for Public Code](

| <a href="">Home</a> | Introduction | <a href="">Our proposals and questions</a> | <a href="">How to respond</a> |
| -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |