The model mechanistically accounts for the influence of key mediators relevant to COVID-19 pathophysiology including, interactions between viral dynamics, the major host immune response mediators, and alveolar tissue damage and regeneration.
This code was written in MATLAB 2019a
Add all files in this repository to the MATLAB working directory.
The repository should contain the following required files:
- covid19_dxdt.m -> model file with ODEs
- covidEventFcn.m
- Driver.m
- figuremods.m
- function_run_model.m
- function_run_model_noplots.m
- generate_figures.m -> generates manuscript figures
- get_data_dictionary.m
- plot_vp.m
- run_parameter_sweep.m
- run_unit_test_script.m -> runs unit tests in model
- run_VP.m
- SolveBalances.m
- vp_figure.m
- Initialize.xlsx
The command listed below generates figures of all the results in the manuscript and saves them as .png files.
run generate_figures.m
Wei Dai*, Rohit Rao*, Anna Sher, Nessy Tania, CJ Musante, Richard Allen**
* Joint first authors
** Correspondence to: [email protected]