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License: MIT Rust Solana

A powerful command-line interface for managing Solana Virtual Machines (SVMs) across various networks. Monitor, deploy, and manage your SVM infrastructure with a single tool.

graph TB

    subgraph "OSVM CLI System"
        subgraph "CLI Interface"
            MainCLI["Main CLI<br>Rust/Clap"]
            CommandParser["Command Parser<br>Clap"]
            subgraph "Core Commands"
                SVMCommands["SVM Commands<br>Rust"]
                NodeCommands["Node Commands<br>Rust"]
                SolanaCommands["Solana Commands<br>Rust"]
                RPCCommands["RPC Commands<br>Rust"]
        subgraph "Node Management"
            NodeManager["Node Manager<br>Rust"]
            subgraph "Node Components"
                NodeDB["Node Database<br>JSON"]
                NodeMonitor["Node Monitor<br>Rust"]
                NodeDashboard["Node Dashboard<br>Ratatui"]
                NodeMetrics["Node Metrics<br>Rust"]
                NodeLogs["Log Manager<br>Rust"]
        subgraph "SSH Deployment"
            SSHManager["SSH Manager<br>SSH2"]
            subgraph "Deployment Components"
                DeployConfig["Deployment Config<br>Rust"]
                DiskManager["Disk Manager<br>Rust"]
                ServiceManager["Service Manager<br>Rust"]
                HotSwap["Hot Swap Manager<br>Rust"]
                Dependencies["Dependency Manager<br>Rust"]
        subgraph "Utilities"
            Config["Config Manager<br>YAML"]
            Dashboard["Dashboard Generator<br>HTML/CSS"]
            Examples["Examples Manager<br>Rust"]

    subgraph "External Systems"
        SolanaNode["Solana Node<br>Rust"]
        RPCNode["RPC Node<br>JSON-RPC"]
        RemoteServer["Remote Server<br>Linux"]

    User -->|Uses| MainCLI
    MainCLI -->|Parses| CommandParser
    CommandParser -->|Executes| SVMCommands
    CommandParser -->|Executes| NodeCommands
    CommandParser -->|Executes| SolanaCommands
    CommandParser -->|Executes| RPCCommands

    NodeCommands -->|Manages| NodeManager
    NodeManager -->|Stores| NodeDB
    NodeManager -->|Monitors| NodeMonitor
    NodeMonitor -->|Displays| NodeDashboard
    NodeMonitor -->|Collects| NodeMetrics
    NodeManager -->|Manages| NodeLogs

    SolanaCommands -->|Deploys| SSHManager
    RPCCommands -->|Deploys| SSHManager
    SSHManager -->|Uses| DeployConfig
    SSHManager -->|Manages| DiskManager
    SSHManager -->|Controls| ServiceManager
    SSHManager -->|Handles| HotSwap
    SSHManager -->|Installs| Dependencies

    MainCLI -->|Uses| Logger
    MainCLI -->|Reads| Config
    NodeDashboard -->|Generates| Dashboard
    MainCLI -->|Shows| Examples

    SSHManager -->|Connects to| RemoteServer
    NodeMonitor -->|Monitors| SolanaNode
    NodeMonitor -->|Monitors| RPCNode

⚑ One-Line Installation


curl -sSf | sh


powershell -Command "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri '' -OutFile 'install.ps1'; .\install.ps1"

🌟 Key Features

  • SVM Management: List and inspect Solana Virtual Machines
  • Node Deployment: Deploy validator or dedicated RPC nodes with a single command
  • Interactive Dashboard: Real-time monitoring with a terminal-based UI
  • Network Configuration: Configure nodes for mainnet, testnet, or devnet
  • Performance Metrics: Track TPS, latency, and system requirements
  • Colorized Output: Enhanced readability with consistent color-coding for status, commands, and data
  • Command Examples: Built-in examples for common workflows and operations
  • SSH Deployment: Remote deployment and management capabilities

πŸ“‹ Command Reference

SVM Management

# List all SVMs installed in the chain
osvm svm list

# Get detailed information about a specific SVM
osvm svm get sonic

# Launch interactive dashboard
osvm svm dashboard

Command Examples and Help

# Show examples for all command categories
osvm examples

# Show examples for a specific category
osvm examples --category svm

# Available categories: basic, svm, node, monitoring, workflow

# List all available example categories
osvm examples --list-categories

Node Deployment

# Deploy a validator node to a remote server (mainnet)
osvm user@host --svm sonic --node-type validator --network mainnet

# Deploy an RPC node to a remote server (testnet)
osvm user@host --svm sonic --node-type rpc --network testnet

# Deploy a Sonic RPC node to a remote server
osvm rpc sonic [email protected] --network mainnet

# Deploy multiple SVMs to a single server
osvm user@host --svm sonic,solana,sei --node-type validator --network devnet

RPC Node Deployment

# Deploy a Sonic RPC node to a remote server (mainnet)
osvm rpc sonic user@host --network mainnet

# Deploy a Sonic RPC node to a remote server (testnet)
osvm rpc sonic user@host --network testnet

# Deploy a Sonic RPC node to a remote server (devnet)
osvm rpc sonic user@host --network devnet

The rpc command provides a streamlined way to deploy specific RPC nodes:

  • Sonic RPC: Deploys a Sonic RPC node using Docker containers from the official repository
  • Network Selection: Choose between mainnet, testnet, or devnet environments
  • Automatic Configuration: Handles all dependencies and configuration automatically

πŸ”§ Detailed Installation


  • Rust 1.80.0 or later
  • Solana CLI tools 1.14.29 or later

From Source

# Clone the repository
git clone
cd osvm-cli

# Build the project
cargo build --release

# Install the binary
sudo cp target/release/osvm /usr/local/bin/

πŸ“Š Dashboard Features

The interactive dashboard provides real-time monitoring of your SVM infrastructure, including:

  • Overview of all installed SVMs with status indicators
  • Network details for each SVM (mainnet, testnet, devnet)
  • Performance metrics with real-time visualization
  • Node status monitoring with resource usage
  • Aggregated logs from all nodes

Launch the dashboard with:

osvm svm dashboard

Keyboard Controls

  • Tab, Right Arrow, Left Arrow: Switch between tabs
  • Up Arrow, Down Arrow: Navigate through items
  • n: Select next SVM
  • v: Toggle verbosity level (affects displayed information detail)
  • p: Select previous SVM
  • h: Toggle help overlay
  • q or Ctrl+C: Quit the dashboard

πŸ“š Documentation

For complete documentation, visit our official documentation.

🀝 Contributing

Contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit a Pull Request.

πŸ“„ License

This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.