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Sprint planning 16th July

Pete Walker edited this page Jul 23, 2018 · 1 revision

Today we reviewed the prototype. We agreed that there should be a single repository - Leigh is to set this up & Pete will repoint the microsite to this.

For the next sprint Pete will build out the UI so there is a demonstrable product. Joe will give a UX walk through on Wednesday.

Pete will also build out the rules within the prototype with:

  • core validation: looking at issue 78 on the spec. Leigh is hoping to make an editor's draft of 2.0 this week, but in the meantime will provide a spreadsheet of the changes required

  • a test complex rule: ‘is this a bookable event’?

We agreed when someone uses a property type from which is not in the spec, we will display a warning to let them know; and where someone uses an unknown model type (e.g. with a typo), the validator will still look into the code and do the validation that it can.

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