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DCAT Access of CKAN repositories

David Leoni edited this page Nov 18, 2015 · 7 revisions

[Introduction](DCAT Access of CKAN repositories#introduction)

[Catalogs interoperability](DCAT Access of CKAN repositories#catalogs-interoperability)


It is possible to fetch information about a specific dataset as rdf with dcat vocabulary by just adding '.rdf' to the url. So if the url is this

we can easily obtain the rdf:

but dcat translation might be old. OKFN is working on an extension of CKAN called CKANEXT-DCAT to address the issue. Jackan currently implements a translator to DCAT following CKANEXT-DCAT, see Jackan user docs

Note there is yet-another 'ckan to dcat' mapping specified in new EU open data portal Data supplier guidelines (sic):

can be found in section Providing data -> be harvested by us

Catalogs interoperability

In the website, there is a link to Data Catalog Interoperability Protoco (DCIP) which looks interesting. It defines REST apis to get datasets list from a catalog with a DCAT vocabulary. At the moment of this writing the spec is at 1.0-beta.2 . Might be in the future CKAN will adopt it, we should check it.

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