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[BUG] When I send messages to certain accounts, the IM log shows an error that says 2024/08/13 17:51:43 ERROR: [core] [Server #1] grpc: server failed to encode response: rpc error: code = Internal desc = grpc: error while marshaling: proto: Marshal called with nil #3990

[BUG] When I send messages to certain accounts, the IM log shows an error that says 2024/08/13 17:51:43 ERROR: [core] [Server #1] grpc: server failed to encode response: rpc error: code = Internal desc = grpc: error while marshaling: proto: Marshal called with nil

[BUG] When I send messages to certain accounts, the IM log shows an error that says 2024/08/13 17:51:43 ERROR: [core] [Server #1] grpc: server failed to encode response: rpc error: code = Internal desc = grpc: error while marshaling: proto: Marshal called with nil #3990

name: Assign issue to comment author
types: [created]
if: |
contains(github.event.comment.body, '/assign') || contains(github.event.comment.body, '/accept') &&
!contains(github.event.comment.user.login, 'openim-robot')
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
issues: write
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Assign the issue
run: |
export LETASE_MILESTONES=$(curl '$OWNER/$PEPO/milestones' | jq -r 'last(.[]).title')
gh issue edit ${{ github.event.issue.number }} --add-assignee "${{ github.event.comment.user.login }}"
gh issue edit ${{ github.event.issue.number }} --add-label "accepted"
gh issue comment $ISSUE --body "@${{ github.event.comment.user.login }} Glad to see you accepted this issue🤲, this issue has been assigned to you. I set the milestones for this issue to [$LETASE_MILESTONES]($OWNER/$PEPO/milestones), We are looking forward to your PR!"
# gh issue edit ${{ github.event.issue.number }} --milestone "$LETASE_MILESTONES"
GH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.BOT_TOKEN }}
ISSUE: ${{ github.event.issue.html_url }}
OWNER: ${{ github.repository_owner }}
REPO: ${{ }}