This contains some messy tooling to generate a tiled basemap of nighttime lights from NASA's SNPP VIIRS data.
It produces a pmtiles file which is served by Cloudflare Workers.
I looked at the World Bank's blackmarblepy tool, but I ran into quite a lot of bugs and it seemed like overkill when I needed to download the whole dataset anyway. I landed on this solution using only GDAL (and a couple of helper scripts).
It's a pretty manual process at the moment.
python3 ./
python3 ./ > ./black-marble.vrt
gdal_translate -co COMPRESS=LZW ./black-marble.vrt ./black-marble.tif
gdaldem color-relief -nearest_color_entry -alpha -co COMPRESS=LZW ./a.tif ./colormap.txt black-marble-mapped.tif
gdal_translate -of mbtiles -co NAME="Nighttime Lights" -co TYPE=baselayer -co TILE_FORMAT=webp -projwin -180 85.05 180 -85.05 ./black-marble-mapped.tif ./black-marble.mbtiles
gdaladdo ./black-marble.mbtiles
pmtiles convert ./black-marble.mbtiles ./black-marble-2023.pmtiles