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Starting the system

patham9 edited this page Nov 21, 2016 · 6 revisions

Assuming the system was downloaded from the

Binary release can be started by extracting it and then executing either startscript.bat (Windows) or (Linux/Mac)

Source release (normal startup):

  1. Execute "lein run" in source-tree.

Source release (REPL): By starting the system from the REPL we can interact with the system with Clojure while it is running, which is the better option for custom code as well as system analysis and other development and testing-related purposes, and this is how it is achieved:

  1. Execute "lein repl" in the source-tree.
  2. enter (load-file "src/gui/lense.clj")
  3. enter (gui.lense/-main)

Source release (Gorilla-REPL): By using Gorilla-REPL it is possible to work with the system in a notebook-style interface. This is very convenient for writing system analysis code, and also allows creating plots like we use to track concept priority over time. TODO FINISH SECTION

Pong and Jump&Run Example The Pong example can be started by replacing gui.lense with examples.simplepong in the startscript file, for the jump&run it is examples.simplenario. E:\jdk1.8.0_92\bin\java -javaagent:quasar-core-0.7.5.jar -cp narjure-0.1.0-SNAPSHOT-standalone.jar clojure.main -m examples.simplepong

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