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some cleanup | handle optional args
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Signed-off-by: George Lemon <[email protected]>
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georgelemon committed May 29, 2024
1 parent 5edd39e commit 32d4678
Showing 1 changed file with 65 additions and 170 deletions.
235 changes: 65 additions & 170 deletions src/kapsis/app.nim
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ type
KapsisArgument* = object
lkind: CmdLineKind
datatype: KapsisValueType
isOptional: bool
case argtype: KapsisArgType
of katVariant:
argVariant: seq[string]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -119,7 +120,7 @@ type
# keep indexing the registered arguments
callback: proc(v: Values) {.nimcall.}
# the command callback
isOptional, isSubCmd: bool
isSubCmd: bool
of ctCmdSep:
label: string
of ctCmdDir:
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -166,8 +167,9 @@ proc outputCommand(cmd: KapsisCommand,
of cmdArgument:
case arg.argtype
of katArg:
inc cmdlen[^1], (x.len + 3) # count `<` `arg` `>` includes 1 ws indent
add str, indent("\e[90m<\e[0m", 1)
var i = (if arg.isOptional: 4 else: 3)
inc cmdlen[^1], (x.len + i) # count `<` `arg` `>` includes 1 ws indent
add str, indent(("\e[90m<$1\e[0m" % [if arg.isOptional: "?" else: ""]), 1)
add str, x
if showtype:
add str, "\e[36m:" & $(arg.datatype) & "\e[0m"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -266,27 +268,30 @@ proc addCommand*(k: KapsisCli, parent, key: string, cmd: KapsisCommand) =
k.commands[parent].list[key] = cmd
k.commands[key] = cmd

proc prefix(id: sink string, lk: CmdLineKind): string =
case lk
proc prefix(id: sink string, kind: CmdLineKind): string =
case kind
of cmdShortOption:
result = "-"
of cmdLongOption:
result = "--"
else: discard
add result, id

proc addArg*(cmd: KapsisCommand, id: string, lk: CmdLineKind,
datatype: KapsisValueType, argtype = KapsisArgType.katArg) =
proc addArg*(cmd: KapsisCommand, id: string, kind: CmdLineKind,
datatype: KapsisValueType, argtype = KapsisArgType.katArg,
isOpt = false) =
## Create a new argument
cmd.args[id.prefix(lk)] = KapsisArgument(
lkind: lk,
cmd.args[id.prefix(kind)] = KapsisArgument(
lkind: kind,
datatype: datatype,
argtype: argtype
argtype: argtype,
isOptional: isOpt
if lk == cmdArgument:
cmd.argsIndex.add((lk, id))
if kind == cmdArgument:
cmd.argsIndex.add((kind, id))

proc addVariant*(cmd: KapsisCommand, id: string, argVariant: openarray[string]) =
proc addVariant*(cmd: KapsisCommand, id: string,
argVariant: openarray[string]) =
## Create a new argument
cmd.args[id] = KapsisArgument(
lkind: CmdLineKind.cmdArgument,
Expand All @@ -306,6 +311,44 @@ expandGetters(renameCallback)
proc addkv(cmdobj: NimNode, key: string, val: NimNode) {.compileTime.} =
add cmdobj, nnkExprColonExpr.newTree(ident(key), val)

template parseArgument(node: NimNode, isOpt: bool) {.dirty.} =
let vtype = parseEnum[KapsisValueType](node[0].strVal)
argName: string
argType = vtype.symbolName
cmdArgType: string
case node[1].kind
of nnkAccQuoted:
argName = node[1][0].strVal
cmdArgType = "cmdArgument"
of nnkPrefix:
if node[1][0].eqIdent("--"):
argName = node[1][1].strVal
cmdArgType = "cmdLongOption"
elif node[1][0].eqIdent("-"):
argName = node[1][1].strVal
cmdArgType = "cmdShortOption"
error("Invalid flag, expected --xyz or -x")
of nnkIdent:
argName = node[1].strVal
cmdArgType = "cmdArgument"
error("Invalid argument " & $(node[1].kind))
add result,
ident "addArg",
newLit $(argName),
ident cmdArgType,
ident argType,
ident "katArg",
newLit isOpt
error("Unknown type " & node[0].strVal & ". Use one of: " & KapsisValueType.toSeq().join(", "), x[0])

proc parse(cmd: NimNode, cmdParent: NimNode = nil): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
let id = cmd[0]
result = newStmtList()
Expand All @@ -316,65 +359,30 @@ proc parse(cmd: NimNode, cmdParent: NimNode = nil): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
var cmdType: KapsisCommandType
var callbackIdent = id.strVal & "Command"
# var subCommands = newNimNode(nnkBracket)
var subCommands: seq[NimNode]
add result, newLetStmt(cmdx, cmdObj)
for x in cmd[1..^1]:
case x.kind
of nnkAccQuoted:
echo x
of nnkCall, nnkCommand:
let vtype = parseEnum[KapsisValueType](x[0].strVal)
expectLen(x, 2)
argName: string
argType = vtype.symbolName
cmdType: string
case x[1].kind
of nnkAccQuoted:
argName = x[1][0].strVal
cmdType = "cmdArgument"
of nnkPrefix:
if x[1][0].eqIdent("--"):
argName = x[1][1].strVal
cmdType = "cmdLongOption"
elif x[1][0].eqIdent("-"):
argName = x[1][1].strVal
cmdType = "cmdShortOption"
error("Invalid flag, expected --xyz or -x")
of nnkIdent:
argName = x[1].strVal
cmdType = "cmdArgument"
error("Invalid argument " & $(x[1].kind))
add result,
ident "addArg",
newLit $(argName),
ident cmdType,
ident argType
error("Unknown type " & x[0].strVal & ". Use one of: " & KapsisValueType.toSeq().join(", "), x[0])
parseArgument(x, false)
of nnkTupleConstr:
# parse pairs of short/long flags
if x.len == 2:
for t in x:
var cmdType: string
var flagtype: string
if t[0][0].eqIdent("--"):
cmdType = "cmdLongOption"
flagtype = "cmdLongOption"
elif t[0][0].eqIdent("-"):
cmdType = "cmdShortOption"
flagtype = "cmdShortOption"
let vtype = parseEnum[KapsisValueType]($t[1])
add result,
ident "addArg",
newLit $(t[0][1]),
ident cmdType,
ident flagtype,
ident vtype.symbolName
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -420,7 +428,7 @@ proc parse(cmd: NimNode, cmdParent: NimNode = nil): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
error("Invalid short flag `-" & $(x[1]) & "`")
elif x[0].eqIdent("?"):
# parse optional arguments
discard # todo
parseArgument(x[1], true)
else: discard # error?
cmdobj.addkv("ctype", ident symbolName(cmdType))
case cmdType
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -690,9 +698,10 @@ macro commands*(registeredCommands: untyped, extras: untyped = nil) =
printError(unexpectedOption, input[i].key)
except IndexDefect:
let arg = cmd.args[index[i][1]]
if arg.isOptional: continue
let datatype = cmd.args[index[i][1]].datatype
printError(missingArgument, index[i][1], $datatype)
printError(missingArgument, index[i][1], $(arg.datatype))
# run command's callback
Expand All @@ -717,117 +726,3 @@ macro commands*(registeredCommands: untyped, extras: untyped = nil) =
else: discard
add result, blockStmt
# echo result.repr

macro commands2*(x: untyped, extras: untyped = nil) =
# Register commands at compile-time.
result = nnkBlockStmt.newTree().add(newEmptyNode())
var blockStmt = newStmtList()
for cmd in x:
case cmd.kind
of nnkCommand:
add blockStmt, parse(cmd)
of nnkPrefix:
if cmd[0].eqIdent("--"):
add blockStmt, sep(cmd[1])
of nnkCall:
# parse commands without arguments/options
add blockStmt, parse(cmd)
else: discard # error?
add blockStmt, quote do:
Kapsis.pkg = (`appDescription`, `appVersion`, `appAuthor`, `appLicense`)

if extras.kind != nnkNilLit:
# handle additional information

# init runtime parser
add blockStmt, quote do:
if Kapsis.commands.hasKey(`kapsisSettings`.mainCommandId):
Kapsis.mainCommand = Kapsis.commands[`kapsisSettings`.mainCommandId]
id: KapsisInput
p = initOptParser(quoteShellCommand(commandLineParams()))
input = p.getopt.toSeq()
inputValues = ValuesTable()
inputFlags: seq[(string, string)]
hasDefaultCommand = Kapsis.mainCommand != nil
if input.len == 0:
if Kapsis.commands.hasKey(input[0].key) == false and hasDefaultCommand:
id = (cmdArgument,, "")
id = input[0]
case id.kind
of cmdArgument:
if Kapsis.commands.hasKey(id.key):
let cmd: KapsisCommand = Kapsis.commands[id.key]
# first check for available flags
var i = 0
var flagpos: seq[int]
while i <= input.high:
case input[i].kind
of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
if input[i].key in ["help", "h"]:
# print usage if requested a helper
printUsage(showExtras = true, showCommand = id.key)
if likely(Kapsis.commands[id.key].args.hasKey(input[i].key)):
let arg = Kapsis.commands[id.key].args[input[i].key]
if arg.datatype == vtBool and input[i].val.len == 0:
input[i].val = "true" # passing a bool flag without value is set as true
collectValues(inputValues, id.key,
input[i].key, input[i].val, arg)
add inputFlags, (input[i].key, input[i].val)
add flagpos, i
inc i
printError(unknownOption, input[i].key)
else: inc i
# for fp in flagpos:
# input.delete(fp)
case cmd.ctype
of ctCmd:
let argstype = Kapsis.commands[id.key].argsIndex
for i in 0..argstype.high:
if input[i].kind == argstype[i][0]:
if Kapsis.commands[id.key].args.hasKey(argstype[i][1]):
let arg = Kapsis.commands[id.key].args[argstype[i][1]]
let val = input[i].key
collectInputData(inputValues, id.key,
argstype[i][1], val, arg)
printError(unexpectedOption, input[i].key)
except IndexDefect:
let datatype = Kapsis.commands[id.key].args[argstype[i][1]].datatype
printError(missingArgument, argstype[i][1], $datatype)
# run command's callback
# use either fail() or ok() in your command's
# callback, otherwise this is the default exit code
of ctCmdDir:
# directories don't have a callback to run
# instead, will list the available subcommands.
printUsage(false, cmd.idDir, true)
else: discard
printError(unknownCommand, id.key)
of cmdLongOption, cmdShortOption:
case id.key
of "help", "h":
printUsage(showExtras = true)
of "version", "v":
printError(unknownOption, id.key)
else: discard
add result, blockStmt

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