Valitor payment service.
Feel free to contribute, just poke me: (sveinn at zkynet dot io)
- This module is not thread safe. Make your own locks please <3
- If you can not open issues, send me an email and I'll fix that.
- There is a decent amount of stuff going on under the hood, so I recommend panic/defer around this module, just in case.
- Refactor
- Support for JSON.
- More documentation
- -
// you can assign this as a global variable or a local one, whichever you desire.
var ValitorService = valitor.NewValitorService(
// Username
// Password
// Contract number
// Customer Identidy Number used for this contract
// ( Contract SS Number )
// PosID or TerminalID
// The URL, if the url is "" this module will automatically point you towards the testing url
!!! You should never save the actualy card information in your system/application. Virtual Cards were created to be stored on your system instead !!!
Card := &xmlcore.Card{
Number: "5304259906522887",
ExpYear: 22,
ExpMonth: 11,
CVC: "749",
response := ValitorService.GetVirtualNumber(Card)
if response.ErrorCode != 0 || response.SystemError != nil {
// handle error here..
// Assign the Virtual Card to your Card struct.. or do with it as you please.
Card.VirtualNumber = response.VirtualNumber
// The final step would be to save the new virtual number in your system to be used later.
The receipt also has a ToJSON() function.
type Receipt struct {
CompanyName string `json:"VerslunNafn,omitempty" xml:"VerslunNafn,omitempty"`
CompanyAddress string `json:",omitempty" xml:"VerslunHeimilisfang,omitempty"`
CompanyCity string `json:",omitempty" xml:"VerslunStadur,omitempty"`
CardTypeName string `json:",omitempty" xml:"TegundKorts,omitempty"`
CardTypeCode string `json:",omitempty" xml:"TegundKortsKodi,omitempty"`
Date string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Dagsetning,omitempty"`
Time string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Timi,omitempty"`
MaskedPAN string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Kortnumer,omitempty"`
Amount int `json:",omitempty" xml:"Upphaed,omitempty"`
TransactionID string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Faerslunumer,omitempty"`
ProcessorInfo string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Faersluhirdir,omitempty"`
AuthorizationID string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Heimildarnumer,omitempty"`
PositionID string `json:",omitempty" xml:"StadsetningNumer,omitempty"`
WorkstationID string `json:",omitempty" xml:"UtstodNumer,omitempty"`
Invalidated bool `json:",omitempty" xml:"BuidAdOgilda,omitempty"`
BatchNumber string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Bunkanumer,omitempty"`
SellerID string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Soluadilinumer,omitempty"`
SoftwareID string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Hugbunadarnumer,omitempty"`
POSID int `json:",omitempty" xml:"PosiID,omitempty"`
PINMessage string `json:",omitempty" xml:"PinSkilabod,omitempty"`
ReceiptMessage string `json:",omitempty" xml:"Vidskiptaskilabod,omitempty"`
F221to4 string `json:",omitempty" xml:"F22_1til4,omitempty"`
LineC1 string `json:",omitempty" xml:"LinaC1,omitempty"`
LineC2 string `json:",omitempty" xml:"LinaC2,omitempty"`
LineC3 string `json:",omitempty" xml:"LinaC3,omitempty"`
LineC4 string `json:",omitempty" xml:"LinaC4,omitempty"`
LineD1 string `json:",omitempty" xml:"LinaD1,omitempty"`
LineD2 string `json:",omitempty" xml:"LinaD2,omitempty"`
Operation string `json:",omitempty" xml:"TegundAdgerd,omitempty"`
OriginalTransactionID string `json:",omitempty" xml:"FaerslunumerUpphafleguFaerslu,omitempty"`
TerminalID string `json:",omitempty" xml:"TerminalID,omitempty"`
Every respone will have the same error fields as shown below.
- General Errors:
- Method Specific Errors:
type [GenericResponseStruct] struct {
// The system error comes from this module incase something goes wrong internally.
SystemError error
// These three fields are Valitor Specific error fields and can have various combinations of
// codes and messages.
ErrorCode int `xml:"Body>[Method-Name]Response>[Method-Name]Result>Villunumer"`
ErrorMessage string `xml:"Body>[Method-Name]Response>[Method-Name]Result>Villuskilabod"`
ErrorLogID string `xml:"Body>[Method-Name]Response>[Method-Name]Result>VilluLogID"`
// Fields specific to each request are below this line ...
- Notandanafn (User name): Valitortestfyrirtgr
- Lykilord (Password): testadgfyrirgr2010
- Samningsnumer (Contract number): 053128
- SamningsKennitala (Contract SS number): 5006830589
- PosiID (POS identification): 225
- Test Card 1: 5304259906522887 2211 749
- Test Card 2: 5304259909334470 2211 813
- Test Card 3: 5304259902386667 2211 376
- ... in progress