Wflow_sbm, redesign of lateral subsurface flow because of a bug that resulted in an overestimation of lateral subsurface flux:
- The kinematic wave approach is used to route subsurface flow laterally.
- Kinematic wave solution for surface (overland and river) and subsurface flow added to wflow_funcs, and used by wflow_sbm.
Numba (open-source JIT compiler) is used to accelerate these functions. This replaces the PCRaster kinematic wave solution. - A seperate kinematic wave reservoir for river (self.RiverRunoff) and overland flow (self.LandRunoff)
- Lateral subsurface flow and overland flow feed into drainage network (channel) based on ratio slopes
(slope upstream cell / (slope upstream cell + slope cell)) - Option to provide land slope and river slope (staticmaps)
- Removed sub-grid runoff generation
- Removed re-infiltration of surface water
Wflow_hbv uses kinematic wave solution for surface flow available in wflow_funcs (replacement of PCRaster kinematic wave solution)
Option to enable iteration (smaller time steps) for kinematic wave solution for surface runoff (wflow_hbv and wflow_sbm)
Added hydrological model wflow_w3 to wflow framework, based on Australian Water Resources Assessment Landscape model (AWRA-L),
an improved version compared to wflow_W3RA. -
Added hydrological model wflow_stream to wflow framework (STREAM (Spatial Tools for River Basins and Environment and Analysis of Management Options)).
Added experimental version of wflow_sediment to simulate soil erosion and delivery to the river system.
Added the wflow_emwaq module: provides a set of functions to create and link a Delft3D-WAQ or D-Emission model to a wflow model.
Update of lake modelling for wflow_hbv and wflow_sbm (including also Modified Puls Approach) in wflow_funcs
Update of glacier model (used by wflow_hbv and wflow_sbm)
Parameter Manning N of river can be linked to streamorder for wflow_hbv
setuptools_scm used for version wflow package