Graph visualizations for fields, schools, departments.
Install brew.
Install Postgres:
brew install postgres
Start Postgres:
brew services start postgresql
Create a Postgres database to house the OSP dump:
createdb osp_graphs
Download a database dump of the V1 data. Source it in with:
pg_restore -d osp_graphs <path to dump> -vvv
This will take ~10 minutes. Ignore warnings about the "osp" role not existing, they don't matter.
Install pipenv:
brew install pipenv
Clone this repo, change into the root directory, and create a virtual environment / install the dependencies:
pipenv install
(The first time, it might have to download a new version of Python, which could take a minute or two.)
Install the local package:
pipenv install -e .
Then, start the Jupyter notebook server with:
pipenv run jupyter notebook
This should automatically open a browser tab with the Jupyter interface, pointed at the project root. Click down into
, and then open / create a notebook.