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Releases: opera-adt/RTC

Release 5.2 (R5.2)

18 Mar 17:59
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  • Added option to provide product static-layers data access for each individual burst product using the substrings "{burst_id}" and "{end_date}";
  • Fixed writing of cloud-optimized GeoTIFF (COG) files for GDAL >= 3.8;
  • Updated S1-reader version to v0.2.4;
  • Added RTC-S1 product metadata field informing the average zero-Doppler spacing in meters: averageZeroDopplerSpacingInMeters (HDF5 header) and SOURCE_DATA_AVERAGE_ZERO_DOPPLER_SPACING_IN_METERS (GeoTIFF files).
  • Raise an error if the bounding polygon parsed from the S1 annotation files is invalid or empty;
  • In the parallel processing mode through the script, if at least one child process fails, remove all processed files, and raise an error.

Release 5.1 (R5.1)

25 Sep 20:53
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  • GeoTIFF metadata values are not capitalized.
  • Update the default browse image number of lines (height) from 1024 to 2048.
  • Update the metadata field corresponding to the bbox pixel coordinate convention from "Upper left corner (ULC)" to "Edges/corners. Xmin, Ymin, Xmax, Ymax.".
  • Update the metadata field associated with the backscatter to dB conversion from "BACKSCATTER_DB = 10*LOG10(BACKSCATTER_LINEAR)" to "10*LOG10(BACKSCATTER_LINEAR)".

Release 5 (R5)

11 Sep 20:13
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  • Fixed default burst file names to follow the RTC-S1 and RTC-S1-STATIC products file naming convention.
  • Removed the runconfig flag apply_correction_luts and enabled existing flags. apply_bistatic_delay_correction and apply_dry_tropospheric_delay_correction that were previously being ignored in the processing.
  • Renamed the metadata field beam ID to sub-swath ID.
  • Remove config files from the products' metadata.
  • Added the OPERA SDS contact information.
  • Added static layer data access field to the RTC-S1 metadata.
  • Added option, disabled by default, to create browse images from dual-pol datasets using the color composition: red: co-pol, green: cross-pol, blue: co-pol divided by cross-pol.
  • The product version can now be a number of a string (e.g., "1.0.0-beta" or "1.0.0”).
  • Removed diagnosticModeFlag from the HDF5 metadata.
  • HDF5 metadata field productSpecificationVersion is now a string and burstGeogridSnapX, burstGeogridSnapY, rangeBandwidth, and maxNoiseEquivalentSigmaZero are now float numbers.
  • Updated the name of geocoding and RTC algorithms.
  • Substituted underbars with dashes in product type.
  • Removed az/rg resolution in meters from RTC-S1-STATIC metadata.
  • Converted the metadata HDF5 dataset ceosAnalysisReadyDataPixelCoordinateConvention as an attribute of the HDF5 dataset boundingBox.

Cal/Val Point Release 4 (R4.1)

01 Aug 00:07
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  • Created a separate workflow for RTC-S1-STATIC products.
  • product_type now accepts two values: “RTC_S1” (existing) “RTC_S1_STATIC” (new value to indicate that the output product is a static layer RTC-S1-STATIC product).
  • Updated file names of the output layers to follow RTC-S1 and RTC-S1-STATIC file naming convention.
  • Added a new static layer: "rtc_anf_gamma0_to_sigma0” to enable users to normalize RTC-S1 backscatter from gamma0 to sigma0.
  • The parameter save_layover_shadow_mask was renamed to save_mask.
  • The file {product_id}_layover_shadow_mask.tif was renamed to {product_id}_mask.tif.
  • Added browse images for RTC-S1-STATIC products.
  • Updated GeoTIFF and HDF5 metadata (improve compliance with CEOS ARD specifications).
  • Improved the radiometric terrain correction algorithm.
  • Improved algorithm for creating the layover/shadow mask (now saved as "mask").
  • Added selection of the RTC area_beta_mode. Options are: "auto", "pixel_area", "projection_angle".
  • The parameters save_rtc_anf_psi was renamed to save_rtc_anf_projection_angle.
  • Refactored code and fixed bugs.

Cal/Val Release 4 (R4)

31 May 06:58
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  • Add dry troposphere and bistatic delay corrections;
  • Add coverage check for ancillary inputs (DEM);
  • Provide multiple updates to the OPERA RTC-S1 product metadata:
    • Remove /science/SENTINEL1 and /science/SENTINEL1/RTC base paths from RTC-S1 HDF5 metadata;
    • Rename HDF5 imagery group grids to data;
    • Add RFI fields.
    • Add layer name and description to GeoTIFF metadata;
    • Update metadata field orbitType.
  • GeoTIFF files
    • Update default compression algorithm from ZSTD to DEFLATE;
    • Remove NBITS=16 from default runconfig
  • Mosaicking
    • Update functions to compute burst and mosaic geogrids
    • Separate runconfig burst and mosaic geogrids
    • Add mosaicking with different output formats;
    • Add support to mosaicking with negative offsets;
    • Add handling of Byte and Integer images;
    • Save color table and no data values into the output mosaic (when available).
    • Provide three mosaicking options: average, first, and bursts_center
    • Reproject burst product before mosaicking if needed
  • Layover/shadow mask
    • Add fill value and color table to the layover shadow mask;
    • Add option to dilate the layover/shadow mask;
  • Add option to skip process if output geocoded files exist;
  • Other minor updates:
  • Minor updates:
    • Substitute metadata field ISCEVersion to isce3Version;
    • Update some comments, fix typos, indentation, and bugs;
    • Update dem_description to dem_file_description;
    • Separate runconfig burst and mosaic geogrids;
    • Remove requirement of save_nlooks = True;
    • Add test runconfig at tests/runconfigs/s1b_los_angeles.yaml and use it for workflow testing rather than using the runconfig downloaded from zenodo (during workflow test).

Gamma Release (R3)

23 Mar 22:23
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Updates since last release (Beta Point Release v0.2):

  • Add a parallelized version of the workflow as app/ The single-job workflow was moved to app/;
  • Add option (enabled by default) to create browse images;
  • Add GeoTIFF metadata to the GeoTIFF output files (e.g., RTC-S1 imagery and secondary layers);
  • Add workflow test;
  • Use mode "AVERAGE" when creating RTC-imagery COG overlays;
  • Allow the product ID to have a template substring “_{burst_id}” that is substituted by the burst ID of the RTC-S1 product;
  • Refactor code, fix bugs, and update docstrings/comments.

Beta Release Point Release 2.1 (R2.1)

15 Feb 01:11
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Point release to remove checks that ensure that the mosaic and bursts products have the same EPSG code and pixel spacing

Beta Release

15 Dec 04:46
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Changes Since v0.1:

  • RTC-S1 polarimetric imagery is saved as individual single-band cloud-optimized GeoTIFFs (COGs);
  • Option to use a burst database file to generate RTC-S1 products with constant geographic grids;
  • Added option to generate the layover/shadow mask layer;
  • The base HDF5 dataset group was changed from CSAR to SENTINEL1;
  • Only one secondary layer is produced by default: layoverShadowMask;
  • Output file names have been updated to match the RTC-S1 file naming convention (see product specs);
  • Runconfig product_path_group was renamed to product_group;
  • HDF5 default extension was changed from ‘.nc’ to ‘.h5’;
  • Option to create COG files with different compression algorithms and different number of bits (other than 32). Default compression is ZSTD, and default NBITS is 16;
  • Added processing_type and product_version options to the runconfig;
  • Added placeholder parameters for apply_bistatic_delay_correction and apply_dry_tropospheric_delay_correction in the runconfig;
  • Updated runconfig default values (rtc_min_value_db was set to -40 and RTC dem_upsampling to 2).

Interface (IF) Release

30 Aug 18:10
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The interface (IF) release represents the initial release of the Science Algorithm Software (SAS) for generating the OPERA (Observational Products for End-users from Remote-sensing Analysis) Level 2 (L2) Radiometric Terrain-Corrected (RTC) product from Sentinel-1 A/B (RTC-S1). The primary executable of the SAS is the Python script app/ It requires a run configuration file (runconfig file) that defines the parameters for executing the SAS.