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add bundle size benchmark
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samuelstroschein authored Mar 6, 2025
2 parents a8b6596 + 15bbc78 commit c8af7d0
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30 changes: 30 additions & 0 deletions inlang/packages/paraglide/paraglide-js/benchmark/.gitignore
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@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
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109 changes: 109 additions & 0 deletions inlang/packages/paraglide/paraglide-js/benchmark/
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@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
# Benchmark

## Introduction

The internationalization (i18n) library you choose can significantly impact your application's bundle size and overall performance.

This benchmark provides data-driven insights comparing Paraglide-JS with i18next, one of the most popular i18n solutions.

### What is Being Tested

This benchmark evaluates the bundle size implications of both libraries across various scenarios:

- **Number of Locales**: How does an i18n library scale with the number of locales?
- **Number of Message per page**: How does an i18n library scale with the number of messages that are used on a given page?
- **Library Implementation Variants**: Testing different implementation approaches:
- **Paraglide**:
- `default`: Standard implementation
- `experimental-`: Experimental implementation with per-locale splitting
- **i18next**:
- `http-backend`: Using HTTP backend for loading translations
- **Namespace Size**: Testing how the total available messages in a namespace affects bundle size

### Key Considerations

#### The Paraglide Approach

Paraglide takes a different approach to i18n by compiling messages into tree-shakable functions. Bundlers are able to tree-shake and include only the used messages for any given page. This has important implications.

#### Work in Progress

We are actively working on per-locale splitting to further optimize bundle size for applications with many languages and messages. Find more information in issue [#88](

## Setup

The benchmark creates a static website for each configuration (library variant, number of locales, messages per page, and namespace size). Each website is loaded in a headless browser, and the total transfer size is measured.

### Library modes

Each library is tested in different modes:

- **Paraglide**:
- **default**: Out of the box Paraglide JS with no additional compiler options.
- **<compiler-option>**: Mode with a [compiler option]( that is being tested.
- **i18next**:
- **default**: The default i18next implementation [source](
- **http-backend**: i18next implementation using HTTP backend for loading translations on dmeand [source](

### Metrics

- **Total Transfer Size**: The total transfer size of the website.
- **Messages**: The number of messages per page.
- **Namespace Size**: The total number of messages in the namespace.
- **Locales**: The number of locales.

### Limitations

**Choosing the number of messages and namespace varies between projects**

Some teams use per component namespacing while other teams have one namespace for their entire project. In's case, every component that uses i18n [loads at least 3000 messages per locale](

To the point of the problem: Avoiding manual chunking of messages into namespaces is the benefit of Paraglide JS. The bundler tree-shakes all unused messages, making namespaces redundant.

## Results

`Locales: 5`
`Messages: 200`
`Namespace Size: 500`

| Library | Total Transfer Size |
| paraglide (experimental-middleware-optimizations) | 31.5 KB |
| paraglide (default) | 90.1 KB |
| i18next (default) | 694.3 KB |
| i18next (http-backend) | 191.0 KB |

`Locales: 10`
`Messages: 200`
`Namespace Size: 500`

| Library | Total Transfer Size |
| paraglide (experimental-middleware-optimizations) | 31.6 KB |
| paraglide (default) | 148.3 KB |
| i18next (default) | 694.3 KB |
| i18next (http-backend) | 191.0 KB |

`Locales: 20`
`Messages: 200`
`Namespace Size: 500`

| Library | Total Transfer Size |
| paraglide (experimental-middleware-optimizations) | 31.7 KB |
| paraglide (default) | 266.1 KB |
| i18next (default) | 694.3 KB |
| i18next (http-backend) | 191.1 KB |

## Contributing

Contributions to improve the benchmark are welcome.

1. adjust the build matrix in `build.config.ts`
2. run `pnpm run bench` to build the benchmark
3. run `pnpm run preview` to preview the results
247 changes: 247 additions & 0 deletions inlang/packages/paraglide/paraglide-js/benchmark/bench.ts
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@@ -0,0 +1,247 @@
import { chromium } from "playwright";
import { builds, buildConfigToString } from "./build.config.ts";
import { startServer } from "./server.ts";
import fs from "node:fs";
import { runBuilds } from "./build.ts";
import csvToMarkdown from "csv-to-markdown-table";

// Function to benchmark network transfer
async function benchmarkBuild(url: string): Promise<number> {
const browser = await chromium.launch();
const page = await browser.newPage();

// Track responses and their sizes
const responsePromises: Promise<number>[] = [];
page.on("response", (response) => {
// Only add successful responses
if (response.status() >= 200 && response.status() < 400) {
const promise = response
.then((body) => body.length)
.catch(() => 0);

console.log(`Benchmarking ${url}`);

// Format URL properly with server address
await page.goto(url, { waitUntil: "networkidle" });

// Wait for all response promises to resolve before closing the browser
const sizes = await Promise.all(responsePromises);
const totalBytes = sizes.reduce((sum, size) => sum + size, 0);

await browser.close();

return totalBytes; // Return bytes

// Format bytes to human-readable format (B, KB)
function formatBytes(bytes: number): string {
if (bytes < 1024) {
return `${bytes} B`;
} else {
return `${(bytes / 1024).toFixed(1)} KB`;

async function runBenchmarks() {
await runBuilds();

// Get unique libraries, library modes, locales, messages
const libraries = [ Set( => build.library))].sort(
(a, b) =>
a === "paraglide" ? -1 : b === "paraglide" ? 1 : a.localeCompare(b)

// Get library modes grouped by library
const libraryModes: Record<string, string[]> = {};
for (const build of builds) {
if (!libraryModes[build.library]) {
libraryModes[build.library] = [];
if (!libraryModes[build.library].includes(build.libraryMode)) {

const locales = [ Set( => build.locales))].sort(
(a, b) => a - b
const messages = [ Set( => build.messages))].sort(
(a, b) => a - b
const namespaceSizes = [ Set( => build.namespaceSize)),
.filter((size): size is number => size !== undefined && size !== null)
.sort((a, b) => a - b);

const port = 8110;

const server = startServer(port); // Start server

// Create a map of unique library+mode combinations
const libraryModeMap = new Map<string, string>();
for (const build of builds) {
const key = `${build.library}-${build.libraryMode}`;
const displayName = `${build.library} (${build.libraryMode})`;
libraryModeMap.set(key, displayName);

// Create results object to store benchmark data
// Structure: locale -> message -> namespaceSize (as string) -> libraryModeKey -> size
const results: Record<
Record<string, number>
> = {};

// Initialize results structure
for (const locale of locales) {
results[locale] = {};
for (const message of messages) {
results[locale][message] = {};
// Use 'default' as the key when namespaceSize is undefined
for (const namespaceSize of [...namespaceSizes, undefined]) {
const nsKey = namespaceSize?.toString() || "default";
results[locale][message][nsKey] = {};
for (const [libraryModeKey] of libraryModeMap) {
results[locale][message][nsKey][libraryModeKey] = 0;

// Run benchmarks and collect results
const benchmarkPromises: Array<Promise<void>> = [];
for (const build of builds) {
const name = buildConfigToString(build);
const promise = benchmarkBuild(`http://localhost:${port}/${name}`).then(
(size) => {
const nsKey = build.namespaceSize?.toString() || "default";
] = size;

// Wait for all benchmarks to complete
await Promise.all(benchmarkPromises);


// Generate markdown with tables
let markdownOutput = "# Benchmark Results\n\n";

// Create a unique set of configurations
type ConfigKey = string;
type LibraryResults = Record<string, number>; // library-mode key -> size

// Group results by configuration
const configResults = new Map<ConfigKey, {
locale: number,
message: number,
namespaceSize: number | undefined,
results: LibraryResults

// Collect all configurations and their results
for (const locale of locales) {
for (const message of messages) {
for (const namespaceSize of [...namespaceSizes, undefined]) {
const nsKey = namespaceSize?.toString() || "default";
const nsValue = namespaceSize !== undefined ? namespaceSize : message;

// Create a unique key for this configuration
const configKey = `l${locale}-m${message}-ns${nsValue}`;

if (!configResults.has(configKey)) {
configResults.set(configKey, {
namespaceSize: nsValue,
results: {}

// Add library results for this configuration
const libraryResults = configResults.get(configKey)!.results;
for (const [key, _] of libraryModeMap) {
libraryResults[key] = results[locale][message][nsKey][key];

// Sort configurations
const sortedConfigs = Array.from(configResults.entries())
.sort((a, b) => {
// First sort by locale
if (a[1].locale !== b[1].locale) {
return a[1].locale - b[1].locale;
// Then by message count
if (a[1].message !== b[1].message) {
return a[1].message - b[1].message;
// Finally by namespace size
return (a[1].namespaceSize || 0) - (b[1].namespaceSize || 0);

// Generate a section for each configuration
let runNumber = 1;
for (const [configKey, config] of sortedConfigs) {
// Skip configurations with no results
const hasResults = Object.values(config.results).some(size => size > 0);
if (!hasResults) continue;

// Add configuration details as code blocks
markdownOutput += `\`Locales: ${config.locale}\` \n`;
markdownOutput += `\`Messages: ${config.message}\` \n`;
markdownOutput += `\`Namespace Size: ${config.namespaceSize}\` \n\n`;

// Create table for this configuration
let tableData: string[][] = [];
tableData.push(["Library", "Total Transfer Size"]);

// Sort libraries (paraglide first, then i18next)
const sortedLibraryEntries = Object.entries(config.results)
.sort((a, b) => {
if (a[0].startsWith("paraglide")) return -1; // paraglide comes first
if (b[0].startsWith("paraglide")) return 1;
return a[0].localeCompare(b[0]);

// Add library results
for (const [key, size] of sortedLibraryEntries) {
if (size === 0) continue; // Skip libraries with no results

const displayName = libraryModeMap.get(key) || key;
tableData.push([displayName, formatBytes(size)]);

// Convert to CSV format for csvToMarkdown
const csvData = => row.join(',')).join('\n');

// Convert to markdown table using csvToMarkdown
const markdownTable = csvToMarkdown(csvData, ',', true);

markdownOutput += markdownTable + '\n\n';

// Write the markdown tables to a file for easy copying
fs.writeFileSync("", markdownOutput);
console.log("\nResults saved to");

return markdownOutput;


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