Collectors are responsible for collecting data accross many different OSINT sources
Note: this is usefull for EVERY python project you are working on !
- Get the code on your local machine, because it's not in the cloud yet ...
git clone [email protected]:opullence/collectors.git ; cd collectors
- Create a virtual environment and activate it (The recommanded way is to use python3-venv).
python3 -m venv env ; source env/bin/activate
- You need to upgrade pip and setuptools (because i'm using
pip install pip setuptools --upgrade
- Install dependencies and development tools using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install git hooks (pre-commit)
pre-commit install
- Setup the project services and command line tools (if necessary)
python develop
- install redis using docker (requires docker)
docker run -d --rm --name my-redis-container -p 6379:6379 redis
- install redis locally (on debian /ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install redis-server
sudo systemctl start redis-server
redis-cli info
Open a python shell and run the following commands
>>> from opulence.collectors import app
>>> app.add(1, 2)
>>> app.reload_collectors()
>>> app.list_collectors()
Start a celery worker for the collectors app listening on the collectors
and default
celery worker -A --queues=collectors,default -l info
In a python shell, run the following commands
>>> from opulence.collectors import app
>>> app.add.delay(1, 2) # Async
>>> app.add.delay(1, 2).get() # Sync
>>> from opulence.collectors import app
>>> from opulence.common.celery.utils import sync_call, async_call
>>> a = async_call(, "", 10, args=(1, 2)) #Async
>>> a.get()
>>> sync_call(, "", 10, args=(1, 2)) #Sync
>>> sync_call(, "collectors:reload_collectors", 10)
>>> sync_call(, "collectors:list_collectors", 10)
>>> from opulence.facts import Domain
>>> from opulence.facts import IPv4
>>> from opulence.collectors import app
Loaded: ['dummy collector', 'Hacker target', 'Nmap stealth scan', 'Nmap TCP connect', 'Profiler', 'exampleScriptModule']
>>> domain = Domain(fqdn="")
>>> ip = IPv4(address="")
>>> res = app.execute_collector_by_name("Nmap TCP connect", ip)
ScriptCollector: launch command ('nmap', '-sT', '-oX', '-', '')
>>> res.status
{'status': 40, 'code': 'Finished', 'error': None}
>>> res.output
[<opulence.facts.port.Port object at 0x7f21f5213710>, <opulence.facts.port.Port object at 0x7f21f5213828>]