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UI QA Automation Tags

Guilhermo Pazuch edited this page Dec 3, 2021 · 2 revisions

QA Automation Tags

HTML Data-* attributes will be used to define custom properties/attributes to enable some level of automation for our QA tests.

data-orb-qa-id is the only property defined so far. It contains a string providing identification for its tag.

The snippet below provides some examples

<!-- topmost container, head, or header element --> 
<!-- defines the entity name, and also an #action -->
<header data-orb-qa-id="sink#add"></header><!--Sink entity, add page-->

<!-- This attr. just informs there is a breadcrumb content here -->
<xng-breadcrumb class="orb-breadcrumb"

<!-- This is a step inside a stepper component -->
<!-- Indexed, iterable tags, such as those inside a list or any other compreehension
of lists can be *postfixed* with `_$d` index number. -->
<nb-step [label]="firstStepTemplate"

<!-- In dynamic forms, `data-orb-qa-id` can be bound to a variable-->
<input *ngSwitchCase="'text'"
       []="control.prop">/><!--notice the form `[]`-->

<!-- While binding a value to the attribute, we may print it in nicer way -->
<mat-chip-list data-orb-qa-id="tagList">
      class="orb-tag-sink "
      *ngFor="let tag of thirdFormGroup.controls.tags.value; index as i"
      []="'tag_' + i">
    {{ tag | keyvalue | tagchip}}

Mozilla Reference for data-* tags