To compile the project, use the following command:
./ all
To clean the existing build, use:
./ clean
To run the documentation, execute:
./ run
Alternatively, navigate to the _html directory and manually open the index.html file.
For diagrams and software architecture illustrations, ProcessOn or Visio tools are recommended to ensure consistent visual style (except in special cases).
Documentation should follow the standard Markdown format, and editing can be done efficiently using the Editor plugin in VS Code.
Ensure the following dependencies are installed:
pip3 install sphinx
pip3 install recommonmark
pip3 install sphinx_markdown_tables
pip3 install sphinx_rtd_theme
pip3 install sphinx_book_theme
Use the ./ script for compiling. This script will also package the docs and render settings:
./ all
Alternatively, you can use Sphinx’s native compilation command:
make html
Once the compilation is complete, open the docs/index.html file to view the results. After submitting changes, verify the rendered webpage to ensure everything is displayed correctly.
Custom configurations are managed in the file. Some additional libraries are required for extended features:
The sphinx_rtd_theme is used as an example here, but you can explore other themes online:
pip install sphinx_rtd_theme
Markdown Syntax Support Plugin Add Markdown support with:
pip install myst-parser
Mermaid Rendering Support Plugin For rendering diagrams with Mermaid:
pip install sphinxcontrib.mermaid
One-Click Code Block Copy Plugin To enable a copy button for code blocks:
pip install sphinx_copybutton
Use VS Code to edit Markdown files for efficient workflow. It is highly recommended to install a Markdown preview plugin in VS Code for real-time editing and previewing.